The Dangers Of Being Power Hungry.

 The Dangers Of Being Power Hungry.

Gozer TG/Possession theme.


There's always that one type of person nobody can sympathize with,  we're supposed to believe they're the good guys but then as soon as they get mind controlled and transformed they go from being the supposedly likable loser with a crappy life to 'screw mankind, I want all humans to be animals/monsters like me', yeah sure you're in the wrong and accuse you of attacking them when really they deserve to be treated like that.  No matter how sympathetic they claim to be, and Mel's latest case was one of them.  A total dickhead named Lars who was known for supposedly helping his team-mates only to betray them once he got taken over by a supernatural entity, he never listened and he thought other people were attacking him even though some of them had a point,  and our marsupial heroine had the misfortune of having to work with him.  The two of them had been sent over to destroy an ancient monster lord and Mel had done well fending off the monster lord's minions but then things took a turn for the worst.  'Alright Lars, it's time to put an end to this guy.  Lars? Lars?' she turned around and Lars was looking at her with a look that implied the monster lord had brainwashed/corrupted him, which he did...Lars had piercing blood red eyes and skin that had an undead vibe to it. 

'Too late Mel...'  'Lars...did you?' 'Did I willingly let the monster lord make me his prodigy? Of course I didn't, but he offered me power and unholy monster powers so I signed up anyway and allowed him to condition me.'  'Traitor.' 'I wouldn't say that i'm a traitor.' 'You always do this.  I hated you before when you were nothing more than a Skyrim obsessed loser who always gets turned to the side of evil but now I feel like killing both you and the monster lord at the same time.'

'You won't be thinking that once I make you one of us.'  'I hate assimilator types...I really do.'  'Join us.' 'Never. And i'll tell you why, you give us monsters a bad name. All of your monsters are evil.' 'No they're not.' Mel listed every single monster he had ever created, going over some of the worst and most horrifying ones. 'Most if not all your monsters view humans as inferior to their species. And some are just plain racist and sexist.'  'Sexist? Which ones?' 'That rhino-man for example. He would have a heart attack if he met a female athlete.'  'But...'  'Your monsters are terrible,  you're terrible and I still can't believe I had sex with you when you were an overweight rabbit.' 'I liked that...' 'I didn't...that was disgusting, it put me off eating chocolate for a week.'  The koala-girl smacked Lars several times before breaking out her martial arts moves and tackling him.  'Hey....let me go."

"Not until you admit that what you're doing is wrong."

"I am doing as my lord commands."

"Is your lord always going to be commanding you? Typical, always being the lackey/slave to a superior being."

"Lackey? I am his trusted follower."

"If you truly wanted to be given unholy power you should have just gone for the dark and terrible god package."

"There's one of those?"

"Oh yes...and it's right over there."

The koala-girl pointed to a mystical containment cube which got Lars excited, he twisted all the corners of the cube until smoke emerged from it along with a spirit, the spirit was androgynous but quite exotic looking and had piercing red eyes,  but the spirit definitely preferred to be called a 'she' as opposed to a 'he',  she looked in an imposing and fierce manner at him, before hissing.  'Ah I have been awakened.' 'Why yes, you have.' 'And who is the one who has summoned me?'  'Gozer...I want to meet Lars. He wants to be powerful just like you.' 'Lars...are you a god?' 'No but she told me you could make me into one.'  'I can...just look into my eyes.' Lars obliged as he gazed into Gozer's eyes, slowly drifting off into a trance-like state as the control the monster lord had over him was being transferred to Gozer, she began to examine her new thrall...although she felt like rather than a thrall,  that there should be another use for him.  She took on a transparent form and then dived into his mouth and down his mouth, possessing him in the process.  'What is this other use you have in store for him?'  'Stand back dear marsupial and I shall show you.'

Mel stood back as Lars levitated in mid air, dark energy pulsed through his body as his skin slowly softened and smoothened and also became quite pale as his arms slowly shrank down in size. His hands slowly undergoing the same change as his fingernails lengthened, his torso and chest slenderized while a pair of formations known as breasts slowly formed on the latter, he examined his body as his physique became lithe and athletic, his clothing slowly becoming a bodysuit that looked exactly like hers,  his stomach slimmed as his hips flared out.  Inside his mind he could already hear Gozer's voice conditioning him and making him re-think about himself...he was starting to think that he never had been with anyone but her and that he desired to be as powerful as she was,  he desired some of that...he was always being defeated because his monsters always had obvious weak points and he wanted to become truly powerful so he didn't have to be a lackey.  He wanted to be like her, he desired it more than anything.  'That's like this, you want to be exactly like me.' 'Yes,  Gozer...I want to be like you.'  Her voice was making the effects of the trance even stronger,  making him want to obey her and follow her every single word, like a good follower always does.

Lars felt completely relaxed even as his legs lengthened and his privates retracted, his feet slowly shrank down to match his hands while his shoulders shrank inward, his dark brown hair changing its style into what was commonly known as a flat-top or 'Grace Jones'-esque hairstyle as it turned black, his eyebrows thinned while his neckline lengthened and his eyes widened, dark red eye makeup applying itself around them while eyelashes blossomed around the latter.  His cheekbones rose and sharpened, his eyes turning from brown to a piercing shade of red and giving off an eerie glow as his nose shrank down and his lips plumped up, his features slowly  feminizing and morphing into a perfect replication of her own ones.  Appearance-wise he looked exactly like Gozer herself and he was starting to think that he had always looked like that too,  as his voice feminized and contorted...becoming feminine but also becoming fierce and sort of demonic sounding,  which he thought was perfect especially for him.

But his metamorphosis into Gozer wasn't done yet as his or rather 'her' personality warped itself into Gozer's own, making her feel like that she had always been born as this powerful unholy goddess from another world...which she was, she was fierce, she was powerful and she had the power to take over anyone she chose, she seemed to really enjoy her current form and body a lot and preferred it that way, since she always had trouble when it came to male bodies to possess.  Usually she didn't have those kind of problems, at least not now that her mind finalized its changed and 'Lars' was no more, there was now only Gozer.  The new Gozer levitated before jumping down to the ground and greeting Mel.  'You're not going to turn me into a terror dog are you? Because you know how I feel about that.' 'Oh no no no...I wouldn't do that to you, Mel.'  'You wouldn't?' 'I may be a wrathful goddess but I would never make you my pet or my slave. It's such a shame about your partner though.'  'I didn't like him anyway.  I can't stand power mad maniacs.'  'Well I am no maniac.' 'Of course not, you are a god and if someone asks you if you are say yes.'

"You know exactly what to say..."

"I know,  and you've got a great sense of humor."

"I have something I want to ask you."

"Would you like to accompany me?" 

Gozer chuckled a little as she gestured for Mel to take her by the hand, Mel blushed...'Me?'

'Yes..would you like to be my follower?' 'Well since you asked..yes.'  'Follow me then.'  She used her powers to transport herself and Mel to a temple like building where she inducted Mel and made her a follower of hers, also helping her with quest and taking down the monster lord once and for all.  After the monster lord had been defeated,  the two of them began a summoning circle and others joined in, performing a spell that summoned all sorts of spirits from the other dimension.

"You know for a dark and terrible're really not so bad."

"Thank you. And you're the greatest follower a goddess could ever have."

"No problem...i'm relieved and happy to see that you have finally gotten someone to take over and gain your body back."

"This body of mine has always been my favorite."

"Shall we practice some more?"

"Yes...we shall."

And thus with that Gozer and Mel practiced their powers and even summoned several more ghosts/spirits, including some that later ended up being discovered by Mel's best pal Eucalyptus, all of them were ghost versions of Dan Aykroyd characters...from an unusual universe known as the Aykroyd-verse.  Eucalyptus could see these ghosts and speak to them, and they guided her with her science experiments and antics in general, as for what happened later...well she discovered a new way to gain admirers. You see,  Gozer decided to make herself a group of fans and followers on social media, proving that even ancient powerful beings could learn new things about the world they lived in.   She now is an internet starlett and everyone loves her,  even if some people don't...although those who don't probably would regret it anyway.  Thus brings us to the message of today's story,  it's okay to be an unsympathetic character sometimes but if you're going to be a power mad maniac all the time...expect all of that to backfire and for you to get your just desserts in one way or another.  Too much power can be bad for you, you know...unless you are a god.  Speaking of which, if you actually are a god and someone asks you if you are say yes.


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