WB Rants: Opinion

Hello everyone i'm That Werebelushi In The Shades and it's time for a rant i've been wanting to share with you for a while.  And that is this one.  Dear people who think it's okay to bash Nathan and others for having crushes on and writing about turning into certain characters or celebrities,  what is wrong with you? Are you trying to dictate what they can and can't write about or do you think that they actually want it to happen?  There's a reason transformations can't happen in real life,  because it's impossible.  As cool as it would be to be a werecreature in real life....it's impossible.   It's called fiction for a reason.  It's cool if you like your favorite character and all but as long as you don't actually go so far as those people on Totally Obsessed do you'll be fine,  but don't attack others based on what they like.

So you like Homestuck?  Good.  Just don't ask me to say anything about it because I don't like it or hate it.  It was just there to me and don't ask Nathan because he couldn't get into it.  Don't go flaming other people if they say they haven't heard of it or don't like it, don't go threatening to doxx them and don't go threatening to kill them either.   You can rally up your imaginary army all you want but that won't save you in the end,  you have to either take it like a man or  carry on like nothing happened.  I'm not saying you need another hobby or anything,  as long as you're not actively hurting anyone with your passion/obsession,  it's alright.  Just don't shoot the messenger,  alright?

Yes,  you'll notice a lot of celebrity transformations in the Monstermaster13 world and everything but that's because he likes doing those.  Who are you to judge someone based on what you think you've heard about them?  Celebrity transformations aren't even that uncommon,  there are a TON of them online especially if you look on DA.  It's not like Nathan is the only one who does them. It's just Nathan is one of the few that does female AND male ones as opposed to the mostly female ones you'll often see.   Writing about something doesn't mean that they want to be that person or character.
Just because Guilermo Del Toro makes movies about monsters does that mean he wants to become Hell-Boy,  Abe Sapien or the Amphibian Man from Shape Of Water?  Of course not, he's just paying homage to his childhood heroes and those heroes just happen to be movie monsters.   Just because Tim Burton has a gothic aesthetic and weird supernatural creatures in his movies does that mean he wants to be a character from his movies?  Not really,  because to be honest Burton's characters are very much almost similar to Burton himself, due to them being outcasts like Burton himself was growing up.
Yes,  i'm pretty sure we have all fantasized about female celebrities we have crushes on and even dreamed about being them.  Like for example Tia Carrere,  Marisa Tomei,  Madonna (specifically 80's or 90s but current Madonna isn't too bad either),  Cher,  Pam Grier,  Kate Beckinsale, etc.  Heck you could say it dates back to the 70's with Bo Derek.  But it is called fiction for a reason.   Because it doesn't happen in real life and it's impossible.

In your world I am fictional too as is Mel, don't go saying things about Nathan just because you don't like what we said.  We are fictional characters and in real life we don't exist,  we can't crawl out of the screen and rip out your insides no matter how tempting that may be, if he wants to do were-celebs that's his prerogative,  just don't around telling him what to do, yes he dreams about celebrities and being them...not just being them,  but morphing into them,  but those a dreams that in turn inspire his stories.

He never said he identified as a 'werejohncandy' or that he wants to be John Candy, everything that he did on his early blogs was experimental and he RPed as his own John Candy based OC on the forum a long time ago too,  but that was it.  He's embarrassed to even admit he came up with that character because of how he got treated because of said character becoming the butt of every asshole onlines's jokes.  You think being typecast as the 'werejohncandy guy' was pleasurable to him?  No,  it wasn't.  It was horrible.

Don't go throwing hissyfits over something that someone else said.  Nathan is just a casual TF fan and he's just an RPer and writer,  not someone who actually wants to be that character or person.  I'm a were-celeb lover and sympathizer myself,  I can't stand fake were-celeb impersonators and bigoted people who think that were-celebrities deserve to be killed and what not,  because the former is annoying and the latter is just pure hatred.  What did they ever do to hurt you,  huh?   In conclusion,  at least be mature about it and don't attack people for liking what they like.   If an opinion is totally alien to you,  then maybe you shouldn't be on this part of the monster world.   I'm That Werebelushi In The Shades and if you excuse me,  i've got a were-celeb approval party to go to.


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