Werebelushi Rants: Salty.

*we see everyone's favorite Werebelushi in a therapy sessiom with a group of monsters*

Hi my name is Yeti Boy and I am salty because I was rejected from a superhero team I wanted to be part of because they said I was too hairy.


Ice Lioness:
My name is Ice Lioness and I am salty because nobody seems to like it when I help people because to them I cause more harm than good.

Hello,   i'm  That Werebelushi in the Shades.  I'm salty because sometimes I just am and that's normal, it's normal to be upset sometimes because that shows you are a human being even if you're not physically human,   today's lesson is all about sharing your emotions and how you feel about them, I review bad movies, bad tv shows and just about anything bad but i'm not as angry as everyone makes me out to be.    Yeah I know i'm viewed as being an angry reviewer type like AVGN but the thing is,  i'm really a nice guy it's just that certain things really annoy me.   Like for example trolls and a-loggers who after lulcows without even getting to know what they're really like,  they just really generalize that person as being messed up without even having met them.  

And most of them are off the mark like with the whole anti Nathan thing,  he's my best friend you know,   i'm not going to delve into it -  i'm just saying that maybe just maybe you shouldn't judge my friend based on what some website or forum told you.  Especially if that person didn't start off wanting to be a lulcow or rather just got pulled into it by mistake,   and that's what happened to my friend.  Not everything you read on the internet is true and there are some websites which only exist for the purpose of ridiculing weird people like that.   He didn't enjoy his experiences and felt like he was being typecast as the guy who makes those weird werecreatures and he hated being brought up in a negative manner or being referred to as 'werejohncandy'  or 'weregrinch',  look...he does more than were-things, okay?  He's more versatile than people think he is.  It's not like his whole entire online career started because of that.    The fact is,  they may claim to know him but they never did.  Only one person on there truly does and only one group of people knows what he's truly like and those people are his friends,  as in actual friends he has online,  not 'sock puppets'  and not trolls who pretended to be his friends to extort information out of him,   actual online friends who support him.

And naturally he feels upset about how he was treated,  as would anyone who has been trolled or viewed as a lulcow really.  I mean I can't imagine it being pleasant in the slightest,  yeah it's cute and funny at first but if gets to the point that they put up pointless forum threads about you and try to mention your name in every conversation,   or that someone who gets an obsession over you that is borderline Yandere levels of horrifying, then it's no longer funny and more like...'dude,  do you ever think of anything else besides your victim?'.   That's what I wonder about these people, do they ever think or talk about anything else?  What are their real personalities like?  What do they do when they're not talking about you or whatever victim they're after?   Do they have actual jobs outside of the ones they claim to have?  Do they have families?  Do they have hopes and dreams? Nobody truly enjoys being trolled,  unless of course there's a version of masochism that is trolling related.

Obsession is a hell of a drug and it makes you crazy,  chances are...everyone has been affected by the obsession drug,  hence why these type of people exist...they are basically addicts.  They are no different than the media going after a celebrity.  They want their fix.  And unfortunately some people just seem to have attempted to get a bit of that fix but arrived a little too late.   Unfortunately for those who already got addicted,  it may already be too late for them unless of course they sober up and own up to their mistakes.  Everyone has their very own Kathy Bates. 

Yes we know about oddballs like Chris Chan and NuttyMadam and everything,  but only because of internet exposure and incidents that they've either been involved in or were the cause of and we don't know them as people.  We know CWC is an beserko nutcase who now has gender dysphoria and believes it's possible for things like dimensional rifts to happen,  but I feel at this point going after him/her/whatever they are for existing is just sad.   And that's what could have possibly happened if the whole anti Nathan thing continued.  We're all basically guilty of doing this.  Yes,  CWC is obviously beyond saving at this point but unless he/she has actually attempted to murder or rape anyone,  then I don't think he truly deserves his current lot in life.   It's not like Projared or anything.

Do I think it's unfair that Nathan got compared to her?  Yes.  It is.   Especially when there was little to nothing in common between the two to begin with.  Look,  merely having OCs based on or inspired by characters that exist doesn't make him the same and neither does being autistic since Nathan is autistic for real and he isn't using it to gain sympathy points.   At least he's aware his characters aren't real,   they're not real in the real world which he lives in but they're real in his heart since they're his creations and he knows he doesn't have to appeal to anyone.   He knows there are people out there who don't have the highest opinion of him and he doesn't question them,  well he does...but only when it gets too far.  As far as I know,   all of those so called 'threats'  certain people think he has used against them and emails containing fake curses,  were only vague at best since he is a non-violent type,  he would never physically harm another person on purpose as there is good and bad in everyone.  But the point is,  he has feelings and he has a life outside of what most people seem to think he is.  And yes he did have a few jobs of his own,  granted they're not fancy big paying jobs but they were jobs nonetheless.    Yes,  he loves werecreatures and monsters but he doesn't go around claiming to be his own characters.  Yes,  us were-celebs are a silly bunch,  but that's the point.  I'm one myself but i'm based on a comedian so i'm allowed to be silly and ridiculous.  My earlier material stinks,  trust me...it really did.  That television rant I did a long while back was lucky enough to get a rebooted version and I did apologize for the prison rant which made me sound more like I was trying to be a politician,  but still...I don't look back with fondness at my old work.

It's normal to feel upset whenever somebody targets you or treats you unfairly,  it's normal to feel like you're not wanted.  Yes,  we're all bitter sometimes and that's normal. Having emotions makes us human even if some of us think we're not humans at all.  We're all human,  inside and out.  It just goes to show that sometimes we think we know a person but really we don't,  and that stranger we all feel is really just  us.  We are the oddballs,  we are the  crazy ones.  Sometimes we just need to look in the mirror and ask ourselves the question....'are they crazy?  Or is it really me?'.

I am salty,  but that's okay...it's okay to be angry.  You can't be perky and happy all the time (unless of course you're not that one psychopath on DA who is obsessed with 'goofiness' and clown transformations),   showing emotions other than joy is a good thing.  We're all salty and that's alright, because it shows you are human and not a Stepford Smiling drone.  We're all salty,  and that's alright...yes,  it's alright.

Bravo,  you did an excellent job and I honestly think that you're a nice guy.  I love your rants and reviews,  but seeing this side of you make me even more happy that you're here because I can see the genuinely nice person outside of the reviewer persona.   You truly are an inspiration.  

Thanks TL.   I'm That Werebelushi In The Shades and remember,  it's alright to be upset...being upset is normal and if you can express feelings other than happiness,  then you are truly human.  And deep down,  that's what we all are.  Now if you excuse me,  i've got a bunch of halloween reviews and rants I have to catch up on,  i'm glad to be back.


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