TftW: Itsy Bitsy Spider.
TftW: Itsy Bitsy Spider.
Arachnichimp TF/MC
If you go down to the woods today, you're going to be in for a surprise..if you go down to the woods today be sure to go in disguise. Because you might never know what is lurking in there, and that's what the protagonist of today's story found out the hard way. The story begins like this as most typical stories of this caliber often do.
Brandon was going on a little trek through the woods, presumably going a mini adventure of sorts when he wound up in a part of the woods that was shrouded in mist, when the mist cleared he made his way over to a safe spot to get a good glimpse of the wildlife that was active at this time of night. He was about to take a few photos when he bumped into a large web-like formation of sorts, he tried to get out of it but he was stuck - no matter what he did, he couldn't get out.
"Help, someone please help me."
"Oh, i'll help you alright."
He looked up and saw what appeared to be a woman that looked like an anthro monkey but with a lithe build and spider-like legs, she moved over to where he was and kissed him before bringing him closer. She took a look at him, and with a gaze that practically screamed out...'I must have him' , she pulled him over and shot another web in his direction, which knocked him down onto the ground before pulling him over into the web from area and keeping him in place.
"What do you want with me?"
"I saw you and I have decided that I want join me."
"Join you?"
"But...I can't, i'm a human."
"I can fix that."
She kissed him as she seduced him with her alluring voice, hypnotizing him and putting him into a trance where she began to spin another web-like formation, this time it formed into a cocoon of sorts which slowly began to wrap around him, starting with his lower-body - which consisted of his legs and feet, he squirmed several times but then felt a relaxing sensation come over him as her spell began to take effect. The formation then slowly crept up his waistline and then his upperbody starting with his stomach and then going to his chest and torso, his arms and hands were next to be wrapped up as the wrappings progressed onwards.
But what was different was that his body was slowly starting to alter from within, as bluish fur slowly sprouted on his legs first, followed by his feet shifting to become hand-like, instinctively he started flexing them and showing them off as a long monkey-like tail slowly sprouted out of his behind. His stomach developed a slightly darker coat of bluish fur though as it slimmed down, in addition to this two bumps protruded out of his torso..the bumps growing outwards and forming into a pair of additional arms.
His arms themselves were lengthening and extending as fur grew on them, his hands contorting and stretching while his whole body slimmed down and lengthened, the wrappings now crept up passed his shoulders and up to his neck, cocooning him as he found himself starting to embrace the changes he was going through, as his neck lengthened and the fur slowly grew on his neckline, the wrappings did wrap a little around his face but he was given room to breathe as the fur grew on his face. His eyes multiplied and turned a golden shade of yellow as his teeth sharpened and he slowly took on a more monkey-like appearance.
He looked around for a few seconds as his mind shifted and he remembered that he was an arachnichimp and she had asked him to join her, he looked up at her as the wrappings stopped and she cut him free, he was now exactly what she wanted and she hugged him, kissing him several times in the process. She loved him and wouldn't have traded him for anything else.
"Now..what shall we do?"
"We set up our own colony."
"Sounds like a good plan to me."
And thus with that Brandon the arachnichimp and his new partner set up multiple webs all over the woods and they began to put their new plan into action, soon...they had themselves a well developed colony of fellow arachnichimps just like them and the woods became their home and their hide-away.
As for what happened later, more and more humans who explored the woodlands ended up becoming part of their colony and helping them with their plan, spreading their influence all over the place, the forest was now their paradise and there was nothing that was going to change that. The female arachnichimp known as Isaria took her partner by the hand and she waltzed with him all night long.
Remember my friends, always be careful when you are exploring the woods, you might never know what you might get tangled up in or wind up being the victim of, and you never can tell, there might be something lurk in there that wants you...and not in the way that you think it does.
Arachnichimp TF/MC
If you go down to the woods today, you're going to be in for a surprise..if you go down to the woods today be sure to go in disguise. Because you might never know what is lurking in there, and that's what the protagonist of today's story found out the hard way. The story begins like this as most typical stories of this caliber often do.
Brandon was going on a little trek through the woods, presumably going a mini adventure of sorts when he wound up in a part of the woods that was shrouded in mist, when the mist cleared he made his way over to a safe spot to get a good glimpse of the wildlife that was active at this time of night. He was about to take a few photos when he bumped into a large web-like formation of sorts, he tried to get out of it but he was stuck - no matter what he did, he couldn't get out.
"Help, someone please help me."
"Oh, i'll help you alright."
He looked up and saw what appeared to be a woman that looked like an anthro monkey but with a lithe build and spider-like legs, she moved over to where he was and kissed him before bringing him closer. She took a look at him, and with a gaze that practically screamed out...'I must have him' , she pulled him over and shot another web in his direction, which knocked him down onto the ground before pulling him over into the web from area and keeping him in place.
"What do you want with me?"
"I saw you and I have decided that I want join me."
"Join you?"
"But...I can't, i'm a human."
"I can fix that."
She kissed him as she seduced him with her alluring voice, hypnotizing him and putting him into a trance where she began to spin another web-like formation, this time it formed into a cocoon of sorts which slowly began to wrap around him, starting with his lower-body - which consisted of his legs and feet, he squirmed several times but then felt a relaxing sensation come over him as her spell began to take effect. The formation then slowly crept up his waistline and then his upperbody starting with his stomach and then going to his chest and torso, his arms and hands were next to be wrapped up as the wrappings progressed onwards.
But what was different was that his body was slowly starting to alter from within, as bluish fur slowly sprouted on his legs first, followed by his feet shifting to become hand-like, instinctively he started flexing them and showing them off as a long monkey-like tail slowly sprouted out of his behind. His stomach developed a slightly darker coat of bluish fur though as it slimmed down, in addition to this two bumps protruded out of his torso..the bumps growing outwards and forming into a pair of additional arms.
His arms themselves were lengthening and extending as fur grew on them, his hands contorting and stretching while his whole body slimmed down and lengthened, the wrappings now crept up passed his shoulders and up to his neck, cocooning him as he found himself starting to embrace the changes he was going through, as his neck lengthened and the fur slowly grew on his neckline, the wrappings did wrap a little around his face but he was given room to breathe as the fur grew on his face. His eyes multiplied and turned a golden shade of yellow as his teeth sharpened and he slowly took on a more monkey-like appearance.
He looked around for a few seconds as his mind shifted and he remembered that he was an arachnichimp and she had asked him to join her, he looked up at her as the wrappings stopped and she cut him free, he was now exactly what she wanted and she hugged him, kissing him several times in the process. She loved him and wouldn't have traded him for anything else.
"Now..what shall we do?"
"We set up our own colony."
"Sounds like a good plan to me."
And thus with that Brandon the arachnichimp and his new partner set up multiple webs all over the woods and they began to put their new plan into action, soon...they had themselves a well developed colony of fellow arachnichimps just like them and the woods became their home and their hide-away.
As for what happened later, more and more humans who explored the woodlands ended up becoming part of their colony and helping them with their plan, spreading their influence all over the place, the forest was now their paradise and there was nothing that was going to change that. The female arachnichimp known as Isaria took her partner by the hand and she waltzed with him all night long.
Remember my friends, always be careful when you are exploring the woods, you might never know what you might get tangled up in or wind up being the victim of, and you never can tell, there might be something lurk in there that wants you...and not in the way that you think it does.
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