
Showing posts from December, 2015

TftW: In The Walken's Den

TftW:  In The Walken's Den. Chris Walken TF w/Were-Walken and virus motif. NOTE: This is a horror comedy story that tells of what happens when you obsess over someone for long enough and go around snooping in other people's business including such things as posting videos of theirs online without permission for lulzy purposes.  This is also inspired by Nothing But Trouble and House Of 1000 Corpses.   This is also where we actually see what the Walken's den looks like.   This is also inspired by the Eagles song Hotel California. -------------------------------------- Rupert aka RuthlessRupert was the kind of troll wannabe that only existed for one purpose,  to screw people over and to be screwed over himself  -- and that was about it,  he wasn't particularly bright and he was very nosy and enjoyed snooping around in places that he didn't belong,    he was obsessed with finding the elusive Walken that had been haunting the streets ...

WB Rants: Fake Werecreatures.

Werebelushi rants: Mythology -------------------------- Werebelushi: Today's rant is on people who constantly think the idea of werecreatures based on humans rather than animals is a stupid idea.    People,  that's the whole point of it - ugh...I just HATE having to explain how it works.   What?  Do you people not know what satire is? Oh, i'm sorry.. in whatever backwards universe you're from satire must be an alien concept to the likes of whatever your are.   People,   just because you dislike the idea of human based werecreatures doesn't mean you can complain about them and nitpick the hell out of them like one someone says shit like "Why are there no female werecreatures? All of them are male." To which I reply to that,  SJW much?  Has this person been living under a rock for the past several hundred years or something?   In case you don't know there already have been female werecreatures in the Monster World, ...

Apartment of Horrors

TftW: Apartment Of Horrors. Russell Brand TF/Werecreature motif with possession and mind control NOTE: This story is extremely disturbing and features horror elements,  it's also a dark comedy style with a Rob Zombie influence as well as inspiration from Troma films,  C.H.U.D,  Night Of The Demons and the Were-Celebrity TG stories on DA.   This is also inspired by my own personal experiences i've  had online. ---------------------------------- Nathan Forester aka Monstermaster13 had quite the history OL of being known as the Werecreature Guy or the 'Were-Celebrity Guy'  especially by internet trolls who tried to make him look bad and ruin his reputation,   of course said trolls were too moronic to know the difference between fantasy and reality and thought that his stories were real.  To the point that at one point they actually referred to him as the 'werejohncandy' 'wereleno'  'weregrinch'  or several lame were-names....

Revolting Revolution

Revolting Revolution NOTE: This is one of many of the Were-Russell stories that has a transformation into the Russell/Were-Russell persona,  and this is one of the first to have Kara -  one of his friends in a co-starring role. ------------------------------------------------------- Our hero Nathan was watching television with his friend Kara,  flipping through the channels when Russell Brand appeared on the news channel -   which excited Kara because she was a Russell fan-girl,   Nathan on the other hand was disgusted. "Ugh....Russell Brand again?  Does this idiot ever shut up!" "Aaaw come on Nathan,  don't bash him -  he's doing a good thing." "He'd be doing a good thing if he kept his mouth shut." Nathan had absolutely had it up to here with Russell Brand,  as far as he could tell 2014 was the year almost dominated  by Brand and his 'revolution'.   He thought that the whole Russell worshiping thing was a stupid fad...