TftW: Hillhurst Halloween Bash
TftW: Hillhurst Halloween Frights
By Monstermaster13
Various TFs
Goosebumps: This episode draws inspiration from The Haunted Mask episode of Goosebumps.
Thriller: There’s a scene that involves a Thriller-like dance number.
Elvira: Victoria is dressed as Elvira and turns into her.
Australian Mythos: Poked fun of with the werekoala TF scene.
It was October 31st, 2012 and Nathan and his friends were all dressed up and getting ready to go to Hillhurst for the halloween ball.
Nathan was dressed as a Tim Burtonesque ring-master type, Chloe was dressed as a werekoala, Victoria was dressed as Elvira, Danielle was dressed as a vampire princess, Toby was dressed as Obi Wan and Mina was dressed as a bear-girl.
They were on their way to Hillhurst when they decided to stop at the house of one of Victoria’s friends, once there they knocked on the door.
Victoria’s friend Bobby who was dressed as a gorilla-man answered the door, he was wearing a gorilla suit - a highly realistic one at that, but instead of opting for a mask - he used makeup to create a more ape-like appearance.
“Trick or Treat! Happy halloween!”
“Whoa..what an impressive selection of costumes, I see a hobbit, Elvira, a super attractive vampire princess, Obi Wan, aaaawwww...a cute little koala, and,....Russell Brand?”
Nathan looked a little peeved off by that, he thought if anything Bobby would at least know he was supposed to be dressed as a Tim Burton styled character.
“Ummm...excuse me?”
“What? Is there a problem?”
“ just said that you thought I was dressed as Russell Brand. I take great offense to this.”
“’s just that you have the crazy hair and the eye-makeup and the black clothing, I think you look like Russell.”
“What? I’m dressed as a circus ringmaster in the style of Tim Burton, how could you think that I looked like Russell Brand?”
“Oh well, it’s still an interesting outfit.”
Chloe made a cute smiley face and made a few koala-like noises as she and the others were given candy.
“Yeah, that wasn’t bad.”
“But did Bobby have to confuse my costume with Russell Brand?”
“Aaaw, cheer up, Nate. I think your costume is very Burtonesque. It’s like something out of one of his movies.”
“I got inspired to come up with this costume after rewatching Beetlejuice recently. Well it was mainly because I wanted to pay tribute to the late Glenn Shadix.”
“My werekoala costume was inspired by one of the cute characters you made on IMVU. I think it was a koala-girl who looked a bit like Janet Jackson.”
They continued on their way to Hillhurst when they stopped on over to greet a few other friends of theirs. Those friends being Seymour, who was dressed as an Audrey II plant, Rosa who was dressed as an owl, Kirsty - who was dressed as a cat-girl, and Ian who was dressed as a clown/mime.
“Hi guys, cool costumes!”
“You guys look awesome! Oh, and nice Russell Brand costume, Nathan.”
“I’m not Russell Brand. I’m a Tim Burtonesque ring-master.”
“You look like Russell to me.”
“Ugh. Why does everyone keep saying that?”
“Chloe...a werekoala, huh? Well that’s a very clever and original werecreature. Can’t say i’ve ever seen one of those before.”
“We’re on our way to Hillhurst, would you like to come along with us?”
“We’d love to.”
Seymour and the other members of the group skipped along the path, taking several shortcuts until they came across a clearing.
They made it across the clearing and arrived at the entrance of Hillhurst Manor, the doors opened as if by supernatural magic as they were taken into the mansion to the foyer where everyone was all dressed up.
“Woah, so this is Hillhurst, huh?”
“Well it’s awesome!”
The gang looked around to see all the guests in various monster costumes, but real monsters were also there in the form of the Hillhurst Monsters and Flabber the phasm.
Flabber had spent literally weeks making the party preparations, and he looked to be quite proud of his work.
“Hey, Flabber!”
“Nathan! How is it going?”
“I’m so glad you guys could make it. This is going to be so much fun. Nice ring-master costume, Nathan.”
“Yesss! Finally someone who doesn’t think I look like Russell Brand!”
“You remind me more of Beetlejuice actually. Speaking of BJ...he wishes you all a happy halloween as well.”
The halloween party went pretty smoothly and everyone was having fun, participating in all of the games and festivities.
But then a few minutes later, the lights flickered off as a sinister supernatural aura filled the air, the aura was an eerie dark purple colour.
“What was that, Nathan?”
“I don’t know…”
The guests all started to break out in panic and run around for a few minutes, before Flabber turned himself into an elephant and trumpeted to get their attention.
“Everyone remain calm!”
The guests calmed down for a second before Flabber spoke up, telling them of his plan and how it is important to stick together.
Nathan and his friends decided to split up and head to different sections of the mansion, starting with Chloe and Toby.
Chloe and Toby headed to the library to try and find some books on supernatural magic that may come in useful.
As they did, Chloe started feeling very warm as an incredible warm series of sensations flowed all over her.
This was due to grey hairs slowly growing all over her, but these weren’t hairs - but fur, the fur slowly crept up her arms as her hands grew rounder and softer, as her fingernails grew longer and sharper.
Her hands slowly shifted to become paws, with two more additional thumbs popping up on both paws. Her shoes ripped open slightly to allow her feet to transform as well, as her feet swelled and contorted - her toenails lengthening and sharpening in the process.
The shape of her feet contorted to make them more like paws, luckily her costume did not rip at the seams but rather grew slightly as she grew taller and more lithe but with a bit of muscle, as a short koala-like tail popped out of the back.
Meanwhile..Toby’s costume was morphing into a real jedi robe as his features morphed into those of Obi Wan Kenobi, his hair turning an auburn colour as a short semi beard of sorts grew around his chin. His voice changed and gained a slightly Scottish sounding accent, as he became more intelligent and developed Jedi powers.
“My word, Toby! You’re turning into Obi Wan!”
“And you Chloe are turning into a werekoala.”
“I am? Yaay! I love koalas!”
Chloe’s hair grew longer and shaggier as her ears shifted to the top of her head and became koala-like, her eyes turned red and gave off a supernatural glow.
The grey fur grew around her face as her nose turned black, her teeth lengthened and sharpened with the canine teeth extending to become fangs.
She gave out a giggle of sorts as her appearance became more adorable and her voice grew slightly deeper but still with a mischevious tone to it. When her transformation was completed, she was a werekoala - a real werekoala.
“Oh my god this is awesome!”
“I know! But we’ve got to find Nathan!”
Toby/Obi Wan used the force to open a secret exit and he and werekoala Chloe ran off to go and find Nathan, heading upstairs before hand.
Meanwhile Mina was looking around in the parlor trying to find a way out when she felt a warming chill go through her body.
This was due to thick shaggy brown fur slowly sprouting all over her, starting with her hands and her arms, her fingernails grew longer and sharper as her hands rounded up and changed shape, becoming paw-like in the process.
Her costume grew slightly as she bulked up, gaining quite a bit of muscle along with more thick brown fur that coated her chest, torso and upperbody along with her legs.
Mina’s feet grew rounder as well, contorting to become paw-like, as an ursine tail popped out of her rear.
Her hair grew longer and shaggier as brownish fur grew around her face, her ears shifting to the top of her head and becoming ursine in shape.
“Hey….this is kind of nice! I love my new ears!”
The colour of her nose turned black as the shape of her nose became rouder, her teeth lengthened and sharpened in the process as her face pushed out into a semi ursine muzzle.
Her face grew deeper and gruffer but still sounding more alluring in tone, as her transformation completed - she was now an anthro female bear.
Just then Chloe and Toby/Obi Wan came rushing in, both of them had been affected by the aura from earlier, they had been turned into what they were dressed as.
“We need you to help us find Nathan, he’s one of the only people I know who can solve this problem.”
“Wait...Toby Obi Wan Kenobi?”
“Yes..and Chloe is now a werekoala.”
“And I love it!”
“Anyway...we need your help to find Nathan so that we can work out a way to solve this dilemma.”
“We’ll be more than happy to help.”
“Follow us!”
Chloe and Toby/Obi Wan ran over to another secret entrance, using the force Toby/Obi Wan managed to get it open in time for them to head out to search for Nathan.
Meanwhile...Nathan himself was finding it rather difficult to escape from the torture room, which was where he was stuck in alongside Victoria.
“Oh this is just great! Not only can I not get out of here. But apparently from the looks of it, the majority of the human guests have been turned into whatever they’re dressed or something close to it.”
“Well..look on the bright side, at least it’s not going to get any worse..”
“I don’t trust those words, Victoria.”
“Why not?”
“I..I...have a bad feeling about this.”
“ much worse could it be?”
He was about to reply when he began rather uneasy and sickly, to the point that he started coughing up blackish liquid out of his mouth not unlike Danny Devito’s Penguin in Batman Returns.
He then looked and peeled his shirt open a little bit, he recoiled in shock when he saw a small patch of hair growing on his chest, but it was not the colour of his own hair - it was jet black, and still growing.
“Chest hair? You’ve gotta be kidding me! If this is a sign of anything..I might as well be turning into a werecreature of some kind.”
“Perhaps you are...but then again..”
He moaned and groaned slightly as his costume peeled and twisted, becoming a black leathery ensemble consisting of a button up jacket that was slightly open and black leather trousers with multiple belts above it.
His body hair increased even more but not as in werewolf length, two spiked wristbands wrapped themselves around his wrists as his frame slimmed down, becoming more lithe - in addition to this he grew from 5’8 to 6’ft.
“ no claws, no glowing yellow fangs - yet, and i’m not sure what the hell i’m wearing or what i’m turning into but it couldn’t be any worse than turning into a monster, right?”
His skin became slightly lighter in tone as he felt a chill run down his spine, but he was hopeful that whatever he was turning into wasn’t going to be as nearly as bad as turning into a werecreature.
There was no fur, scales, fangs or claws and he mostly did not have yellow eyes or pointed ears - yet, so maybe there was hope yet.
He sighed for a moment, absolutely sure that whatever he was turning into - was probably not going to be worse than a vicious were-creature.
But that relief of his turned to pure unadulterated horror as he reached up to his head and ran his fingers through his hair, as it grew longer and longer, becoming messier, unruly and just plain wild looking as it turned from brown to jet black.
“My hair! Aaaw man! It’s going to take years to straighten this hair out.”
“Nathan? Are you alright?”
“Yeah...I am, i’m still positive that it’s not going to get any worse from here.”
“Are you sure?”
He panted slightly and then he checked to see if his ears had become pointed yet, looking behind the wild mess of a hair style he now had. His ears weren’t pointed and it didn’t look like he was turning into a werecreature.
An itching sensation brushed itself on his chin for a few seconds, this was due to some rather coarse but not too thick - but semi visible, black facial hair growing on it. He reached for a razor and tried shaving it off but to no avail, it just kept growing back.
His eyebrows turned black, also thickening, arching and becoming quite bushy to go with his hair style.
Dark eye-liner applied itself around his still brown eyes as his eyes grew slightly wider, the shape of his jaw-line and face in general becoming more defined along with his nose.
He grunted and panted a few more times, as the transformation began to pick up even more - his features looking less like his own.
The shape of his face and head were definitely more oval in shape and his lips were a slightly lighter pink colour, but fangs.
It was clear that he wasn’t turning into a werecreature at all, but he remained optimistic - surely..whatever he was turning into wasn’t going to be any scarier than a bloodthirsty monster that hunted for human flesh and blood.
However that wasn’t the final part, the final part came when his voice slowly began to alter in tone, becoming slightly more bombastic and over-the-top, his already half British accent becoming a quasi Cockney accent in the process.
His mindset shifted to a more mischievous one as his transformation completed, at the time he didn’t know what he had finally turned into it but he was still optimistic.
“Oh well, might as well see what kind of monster i’ve turned into this time.”
He staggered over to the mirror slightly and examined his reflection, he recoiled in absolute horror and disgust upon sight of his reflection. The facial hair, the height and lithe frame, the uncombed messy mop of black hair, the guy-liner...he had seen that face before.
Rather than being turned into a Tim Burtonesque character or even a cool or scary looking monster, he had been morphed into the one person that everyone kept thinking he was dressed as before...and that person was...British comedian Russell Brand.
“I’m Russell Brand? Aaaw man! This is so completely and utterly unfair, I wasn’t even dressed as him! Everyone keeps saying i’m dressed as him, but I was dressed as a Tim Burton character. And yet i’ve been turned INTO him?”
“Nathan..what’s wrong?”
“Don’t look at me, i’m a hideous, hairy, disgusting, putrid, repulsive, messy-haired freak of nature!”
Nathan/Russell Brand started to cry for a few seconds, absolutely horrified of what he had become. He liked Russell Brand, but he wasn’t even dressed as him he thought it was more than a tad unfair.
“Aaw come on, Nathan..cheer up.”
“I wasn’t even dressed as him earlier..but yet I’ve been turned into him? This must be a cruel sick joke that the supernatural entity has pulled on me.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“I could have been turned into a zombie, a vampire, or what I was originally going for - a Tim Burton character but nooooo….I get turned into Russell Brand.”
Just when he thought that it was going to suck, he discovered something amazing, he actually discovered that he had developed various powers akin to those of a Tim Burton character.
He could even turn himself into a more Burtonesque form, so somehow his Burton inspired costume from earlier - made it so he would gain powers of a mixture of different Tim Burton characters.
“ did you do that?”
“I don’t must have something to do with the costume I wore earlier, my theory iis that is because of its Burtonesque nature and style - I gained the powers of a supernatural creature in a Burton film. In other words, I think that this has gotten a whole lot better!”
Victoria gave a sly smile as she too started to transform, her skin tone became much paler as her nails grew longer, black nail polish was applied to them in the process.
Her Elvira dress altered to become more like the real thing as her hips and breasts expanded, her figure becoming more sensual and much slimmer.
Her eyes turned a lovely shade of blue as purple eye-makeup applied itself around her eyes, her lips puffed out more as blood red lipstick was applied to them. Her features morphing and reshaping themselves in the process, making her resemble Elvira a lot more.
The tone of her voice changed, becoming more sensual and lower in tone but also slightly more sarcastic and witty.
She had now fully transformed into the mistress of the dark herself, she turned to Nathan/Russell and gave a sly smirk.
“Let’s go, Mina, Toby and Chloe are probably worried about us.”
“Yes, we must hurry.”
Nathan/Russell and Victoria/Elvira ran over to one corner of the torture room, Nathan/Russell accidentally knocked over a statue which in turn opened up a hidden doorway.
The two of them ran through the hidden doorway, which took them all the way back to the foyer, when they arrived there, they met up with Toby/Obi Wan, Mina the bear-girl, and Chloe the werekoala.
But before Nathan/Russell could tell them anything, he was ensnared by plant vines and not just any plant vines either but the vines of an Audrey II plant. That plant was the newly transformed Seymour, who had become an Audrey II styled plant monster.
“Well well...what do we have here? Oooh my, it’s Russell Brand!”
“I demand you to release me from your botanical grip this instant.”
“Now now, Russell. Don’t you want to hang out with me, good old Seymour?”
“Noo...especially not if you’re looking at me like that.”
“Don’t worry, i’m not going to hurt you...i’m just going to gobble you up instead.”
“Oh no you don’t. You wouldn’t want me, I taste gross! I taste awful, lousy, despicable, putrid, vile, repulsive…”
“Oh, but I think you probably taste lovely.”
Thinking quickly, Nathan/Russell grabbed a few jumper cables and wrapped them around Seymour’s plant-like body, in the process his already long hair extending and he used it to trip Seymour over, sending jolts of electricity through his body.
He then made his escape and headed back through the foyer, first he fended off a group of zombies by dancing with them in a Thriller-esque dance number before heading over to a group of people that had been turned into monsters sitting around a campfire.
“Legend tells of a terrifying beast that lurks within the woodlands, it is a hairy animalistic creature that comes out at nights to render the flesh of any normal sane human that comes within range, it is covered in thick hair, its hair is long and tangled. Some say this creature is a lot more intelligent than your average monster.”
“Is it a werecreature?”
“Some say it is, some say it is not. Nobody knows for sure.”
Just as they were telling the story, Nathan/Russell trodded over to them before he tapped the lead monster on the shoulder, that head monster was none other than Bobby who had actually morphed into a gorilla-like monster.
“Excuse me sir, that was a wonderful story and I found it to be very captivating and alll..but what exactly is so scary about this so called monster?”
“ see…”
Bobby the gorilla monster and the others turned in the direction of Nathan/Russell and they all screamed in unison.
“It’s the monster!”
“What is it?
Nathan/Russell watched as the panicked and transformed party-goers ran away in fear, wondering why on earth they were running away, perhaps they were scared of him. But why would they be scared of him?
“Everyone run! The monster is here...he’s out to hunt for blood and human flesh! Everyone run as fast as you can.”
“That’s no monster...that’s Russell Brand!”
“Russell Brand? That’s even more horrifying! Everybody, run even faster!”
“Come back, please!”
“My leg!”
Just then he saw what appeared to be Danielle, except she appeared to be rather thirsty and needy.
Danielle panted and hissed as her skin turned pale as her costume morphed into a gothic vampiress gown, her fingernails grew longer and sharper and blood red markings became noticable on some parts of her skin.
Her hair grew longer until it was at shoulder length and it turned a dark scarlet tint, her eyes turned from blue to a dark redish colour and gave off a supernatural glow.
Feeling her teeth with her tongue, she felt her teeth lengthtening and sharpen to become quasi-vampiric fangs.
Her moans became more seductive and sensual as did her thoughts, she developed vampiric instincts and powers as the changes completed..she was now a vampiress.
“Oh, Russell.”
“Come here you bad-boy, I want to sink my teeth into your neck.”
“Oh no you don’t.”
“Oh yes I do, come on..Russ… I want to make you a vampire prince.”
Nathan/Russell backed away slightly, but not before bumping into a couple of large monster bodyguards including one werebear-like one.
“Hold one is allowed to be seen with the vampire princess unless they are a supernatural creature!”
“Well, i’m a supernatural creature.”
“Really? What kind?”
“I’m a crossbreed weredog.”
“Well...that’s interesting. Say...aren’t you also that comedian Russell Brand?”
“Yes..I am.”
“Mr Brand, I didn’t know you were a weredog.”
“Again..i’m a crossbreed weredog, because you see my mother is a werepoodle and my dad is a wereretriever, black one not a golden one. I’ve also got a bit of Afghan and Dobermann in me as well, but also weredalmatian as well..”
“How many weredogs are in your family?”
“Well...101 or 102 to be exact.”’
“101 Weredogs?”
“I think it may in fact be 102…”
“That’s what I call an extensive bloodline. Is there anything you hate about being a weredog?”
“It has to be the shedding. It gets everywhere you know, i’ve tried everything to prevent it but I always end up failing miserably.”
“Do you hate vacuum cleaners as well?”
“Definitely...they’re the worst. Here’s my secret, if you don’t wear your shoes indoors, there is no need to use a vacuum.”
“Oooh! I love shoes!”
“”Me too, I wear them everywhere!”
“Very well,’re allowed to see the princess.”
“Thank you.”
Nathan/Russell crept back over to Danielle the vampire princess, as he was careful not to get bitten by her or to anger her monstrous bodyguards.
He took her by the hand and she took the two of them flying back to the foyer where Flabber was, in hopes that he might have an answer to their predicament.
Victoria/Elvira was also there with Flabber, as she ran up to Nathan/Russell and hugged him.
“Oh thank goodness you’re alive! I thought that Danielle might have turned you into her undead slave already.”
“She didn’t.”
“Aaaw! Isn’t that cute? Elvira is hugging Russell Brand!”
“Finally...Russell Brand has someone who he can relate to.”
“I hope that Elvira does not catch fleas from him!”
“She better keep a leash on him, I hear he can get a bit wild sometimes.”
Flabber appeared in front of the crowd of monsters and stopped the gossiping monster girls, he turned to them.
“Now now, that is no way to talk to our resident lovable furball. Wolfgang is a human being just like everyone else, okay...he’s a werewolf but still…”
“I wasn’t talking about Wolfgang, I was talking about him!”
One of the monster-girls turned to Nathan/Russell and pointed at him, Nathan/Russell was imitating a weredog and chewing on an old shoe.
“Yes, him!”
“Oh, you mean Russell Brand. Oops, sorry, my mistake.”
“Everyone makes that mistake. It’s no big deal. Sometimes even I get them mixed which one is the furry half-man half wolf who acts like a dog and which one is the hairy British comedian?”
Nathan/Russell stood up, reacting to what the monster-girl said, feeling a little bit ticked off about it.
“Did she just say I look like a dog? How rude and absolutely spiteful. I should teach that woman a lesson!”
“No, bad Russell Brand! Sit! Stay!”
“She said I look like a dog when I don’t even look remotely canine.”
Flabber turned to Nathan/Russell and looked rather puzzled, he then turned to Chloe, Toby/Obi Wan, Victoria/Elvira, Mina the bear-girl, and Danielle the vampire princess.
“ we have ourselves here a werekoala, a jedi, a half girl-half bear, Elvira, a vampire princess and Russell Brand, huh? Hmm...would you mind explaning this?”
“Well Flabber, you see..we were all turned into what we were dressed as, thanks to a supernatural aura that has taken over the air. Now you, Wolfgang, Frankenbeans, Mums, Fangula and Little Ghoul are not the only monsters that live here.”
“I see...well perhaps I can help.”
Flabber concentrated and used his magic to bring all the transformed guests closer to the foyer, before spinning around and appearing in a showman’s attire.
“It’s showtime!”
A stage appeared beneath him as he floated over to it and began to sing, singing a remix of classic halloween songs.
Everyone joined with the song and dance including Nathan/Russell and his friends, as they did - the supernatural aura began to dim down for a few seconds.
A few hours later the supernatural aura dimmed down completely and the transformed guests returned to normal.
“Now...what about us?”
“I’ll get right to it.”
Flabber clicked his fingers and in a flash our heroes were turned back to normal, Nathan gave a sigh of relief.
“Yess! I’m me again! I couldn’t stand being Russell Brand! Heh...that rhymed!”
“ about we all celebrate and continue with the festivities?”
“Oh flabsolutely!”
And with that they all went back to the party in the mansion and continued to have fun, partying all night long.
As for what happened later, our heroes found that even though they had been turned back to normal - they still had some supernatural powers, Chloe had her werekoala powers, Mina had bear-like strength and heightened senses, Toby had the power of the force, Victoria had Elvira’s magic, Danielle had vampire powers and Nathan had Tim Burtonesque creature powers.
They later got to use their powers to entertain their friends and to help out the other residents of the monster world.
Remember, halloween is not just a night for ghoulish antics but also for having fun and celebrating all things ghoulish and amazing, but when you’re in a world inhabited by monsters - halloween is every single day and night.
By Monstermaster13
Various TFs
Goosebumps: This episode draws inspiration from The Haunted Mask episode of Goosebumps.
Thriller: There’s a scene that involves a Thriller-like dance number.
Elvira: Victoria is dressed as Elvira and turns into her.
Australian Mythos: Poked fun of with the werekoala TF scene.
It was October 31st, 2012 and Nathan and his friends were all dressed up and getting ready to go to Hillhurst for the halloween ball.
Nathan was dressed as a Tim Burtonesque ring-master type, Chloe was dressed as a werekoala, Victoria was dressed as Elvira, Danielle was dressed as a vampire princess, Toby was dressed as Obi Wan and Mina was dressed as a bear-girl.
They were on their way to Hillhurst when they decided to stop at the house of one of Victoria’s friends, once there they knocked on the door.
Victoria’s friend Bobby who was dressed as a gorilla-man answered the door, he was wearing a gorilla suit - a highly realistic one at that, but instead of opting for a mask - he used makeup to create a more ape-like appearance.
“Trick or Treat! Happy halloween!”
“Whoa..what an impressive selection of costumes, I see a hobbit, Elvira, a super attractive vampire princess, Obi Wan, aaaawwww...a cute little koala, and,....Russell Brand?”
Nathan looked a little peeved off by that, he thought if anything Bobby would at least know he was supposed to be dressed as a Tim Burton styled character.
“Ummm...excuse me?”
“What? Is there a problem?”
“ just said that you thought I was dressed as Russell Brand. I take great offense to this.”
“’s just that you have the crazy hair and the eye-makeup and the black clothing, I think you look like Russell.”
“What? I’m dressed as a circus ringmaster in the style of Tim Burton, how could you think that I looked like Russell Brand?”
“Oh well, it’s still an interesting outfit.”
Chloe made a cute smiley face and made a few koala-like noises as she and the others were given candy.
“Yeah, that wasn’t bad.”
“But did Bobby have to confuse my costume with Russell Brand?”
“Aaaw, cheer up, Nate. I think your costume is very Burtonesque. It’s like something out of one of his movies.”
“I got inspired to come up with this costume after rewatching Beetlejuice recently. Well it was mainly because I wanted to pay tribute to the late Glenn Shadix.”
“My werekoala costume was inspired by one of the cute characters you made on IMVU. I think it was a koala-girl who looked a bit like Janet Jackson.”
They continued on their way to Hillhurst when they stopped on over to greet a few other friends of theirs. Those friends being Seymour, who was dressed as an Audrey II plant, Rosa who was dressed as an owl, Kirsty - who was dressed as a cat-girl, and Ian who was dressed as a clown/mime.
“Hi guys, cool costumes!”
“You guys look awesome! Oh, and nice Russell Brand costume, Nathan.”
“I’m not Russell Brand. I’m a Tim Burtonesque ring-master.”
“You look like Russell to me.”
“Ugh. Why does everyone keep saying that?”
“Chloe...a werekoala, huh? Well that’s a very clever and original werecreature. Can’t say i’ve ever seen one of those before.”
“We’re on our way to Hillhurst, would you like to come along with us?”
“We’d love to.”
Seymour and the other members of the group skipped along the path, taking several shortcuts until they came across a clearing.
They made it across the clearing and arrived at the entrance of Hillhurst Manor, the doors opened as if by supernatural magic as they were taken into the mansion to the foyer where everyone was all dressed up.
“Woah, so this is Hillhurst, huh?”
“Well it’s awesome!”
The gang looked around to see all the guests in various monster costumes, but real monsters were also there in the form of the Hillhurst Monsters and Flabber the phasm.
Flabber had spent literally weeks making the party preparations, and he looked to be quite proud of his work.
“Hey, Flabber!”
“Nathan! How is it going?”
“I’m so glad you guys could make it. This is going to be so much fun. Nice ring-master costume, Nathan.”
“Yesss! Finally someone who doesn’t think I look like Russell Brand!”
“You remind me more of Beetlejuice actually. Speaking of BJ...he wishes you all a happy halloween as well.”
The halloween party went pretty smoothly and everyone was having fun, participating in all of the games and festivities.
But then a few minutes later, the lights flickered off as a sinister supernatural aura filled the air, the aura was an eerie dark purple colour.
“What was that, Nathan?”
“I don’t know…”
The guests all started to break out in panic and run around for a few minutes, before Flabber turned himself into an elephant and trumpeted to get their attention.
“Everyone remain calm!”
The guests calmed down for a second before Flabber spoke up, telling them of his plan and how it is important to stick together.
Nathan and his friends decided to split up and head to different sections of the mansion, starting with Chloe and Toby.
Chloe and Toby headed to the library to try and find some books on supernatural magic that may come in useful.
As they did, Chloe started feeling very warm as an incredible warm series of sensations flowed all over her.
This was due to grey hairs slowly growing all over her, but these weren’t hairs - but fur, the fur slowly crept up her arms as her hands grew rounder and softer, as her fingernails grew longer and sharper.
Her hands slowly shifted to become paws, with two more additional thumbs popping up on both paws. Her shoes ripped open slightly to allow her feet to transform as well, as her feet swelled and contorted - her toenails lengthening and sharpening in the process.
The shape of her feet contorted to make them more like paws, luckily her costume did not rip at the seams but rather grew slightly as she grew taller and more lithe but with a bit of muscle, as a short koala-like tail popped out of the back.
Meanwhile..Toby’s costume was morphing into a real jedi robe as his features morphed into those of Obi Wan Kenobi, his hair turning an auburn colour as a short semi beard of sorts grew around his chin. His voice changed and gained a slightly Scottish sounding accent, as he became more intelligent and developed Jedi powers.
“My word, Toby! You’re turning into Obi Wan!”
“And you Chloe are turning into a werekoala.”
“I am? Yaay! I love koalas!”
Chloe’s hair grew longer and shaggier as her ears shifted to the top of her head and became koala-like, her eyes turned red and gave off a supernatural glow.
The grey fur grew around her face as her nose turned black, her teeth lengthened and sharpened with the canine teeth extending to become fangs.
She gave out a giggle of sorts as her appearance became more adorable and her voice grew slightly deeper but still with a mischevious tone to it. When her transformation was completed, she was a werekoala - a real werekoala.
“Oh my god this is awesome!”
“I know! But we’ve got to find Nathan!”
Toby/Obi Wan used the force to open a secret exit and he and werekoala Chloe ran off to go and find Nathan, heading upstairs before hand.
Meanwhile Mina was looking around in the parlor trying to find a way out when she felt a warming chill go through her body.
This was due to thick shaggy brown fur slowly sprouting all over her, starting with her hands and her arms, her fingernails grew longer and sharper as her hands rounded up and changed shape, becoming paw-like in the process.
Her costume grew slightly as she bulked up, gaining quite a bit of muscle along with more thick brown fur that coated her chest, torso and upperbody along with her legs.
Mina’s feet grew rounder as well, contorting to become paw-like, as an ursine tail popped out of her rear.
Her hair grew longer and shaggier as brownish fur grew around her face, her ears shifting to the top of her head and becoming ursine in shape.
“Hey….this is kind of nice! I love my new ears!”
The colour of her nose turned black as the shape of her nose became rouder, her teeth lengthened and sharpened in the process as her face pushed out into a semi ursine muzzle.
Her face grew deeper and gruffer but still sounding more alluring in tone, as her transformation completed - she was now an anthro female bear.
Just then Chloe and Toby/Obi Wan came rushing in, both of them had been affected by the aura from earlier, they had been turned into what they were dressed as.
“We need you to help us find Nathan, he’s one of the only people I know who can solve this problem.”
“Wait...Toby Obi Wan Kenobi?”
“Yes..and Chloe is now a werekoala.”
“And I love it!”
“Anyway...we need your help to find Nathan so that we can work out a way to solve this dilemma.”
“We’ll be more than happy to help.”
“Follow us!”
Chloe and Toby/Obi Wan ran over to another secret entrance, using the force Toby/Obi Wan managed to get it open in time for them to head out to search for Nathan.
Meanwhile...Nathan himself was finding it rather difficult to escape from the torture room, which was where he was stuck in alongside Victoria.
“Oh this is just great! Not only can I not get out of here. But apparently from the looks of it, the majority of the human guests have been turned into whatever they’re dressed or something close to it.”
“Well..look on the bright side, at least it’s not going to get any worse..”
“I don’t trust those words, Victoria.”
“Why not?”
“I..I...have a bad feeling about this.”
“ much worse could it be?”
He was about to reply when he began rather uneasy and sickly, to the point that he started coughing up blackish liquid out of his mouth not unlike Danny Devito’s Penguin in Batman Returns.
He then looked and peeled his shirt open a little bit, he recoiled in shock when he saw a small patch of hair growing on his chest, but it was not the colour of his own hair - it was jet black, and still growing.
“Chest hair? You’ve gotta be kidding me! If this is a sign of anything..I might as well be turning into a werecreature of some kind.”
“Perhaps you are...but then again..”
He moaned and groaned slightly as his costume peeled and twisted, becoming a black leathery ensemble consisting of a button up jacket that was slightly open and black leather trousers with multiple belts above it.
His body hair increased even more but not as in werewolf length, two spiked wristbands wrapped themselves around his wrists as his frame slimmed down, becoming more lithe - in addition to this he grew from 5’8 to 6’ft.
“ no claws, no glowing yellow fangs - yet, and i’m not sure what the hell i’m wearing or what i’m turning into but it couldn’t be any worse than turning into a monster, right?”
His skin became slightly lighter in tone as he felt a chill run down his spine, but he was hopeful that whatever he was turning into wasn’t going to be as nearly as bad as turning into a werecreature.
There was no fur, scales, fangs or claws and he mostly did not have yellow eyes or pointed ears - yet, so maybe there was hope yet.
He sighed for a moment, absolutely sure that whatever he was turning into - was probably not going to be worse than a vicious were-creature.
But that relief of his turned to pure unadulterated horror as he reached up to his head and ran his fingers through his hair, as it grew longer and longer, becoming messier, unruly and just plain wild looking as it turned from brown to jet black.
“My hair! Aaaw man! It’s going to take years to straighten this hair out.”
“Nathan? Are you alright?”
“Yeah...I am, i’m still positive that it’s not going to get any worse from here.”
“Are you sure?”
He panted slightly and then he checked to see if his ears had become pointed yet, looking behind the wild mess of a hair style he now had. His ears weren’t pointed and it didn’t look like he was turning into a werecreature.
An itching sensation brushed itself on his chin for a few seconds, this was due to some rather coarse but not too thick - but semi visible, black facial hair growing on it. He reached for a razor and tried shaving it off but to no avail, it just kept growing back.
His eyebrows turned black, also thickening, arching and becoming quite bushy to go with his hair style.
Dark eye-liner applied itself around his still brown eyes as his eyes grew slightly wider, the shape of his jaw-line and face in general becoming more defined along with his nose.
He grunted and panted a few more times, as the transformation began to pick up even more - his features looking less like his own.
The shape of his face and head were definitely more oval in shape and his lips were a slightly lighter pink colour, but fangs.
It was clear that he wasn’t turning into a werecreature at all, but he remained optimistic - surely..whatever he was turning into wasn’t going to be any scarier than a bloodthirsty monster that hunted for human flesh and blood.
However that wasn’t the final part, the final part came when his voice slowly began to alter in tone, becoming slightly more bombastic and over-the-top, his already half British accent becoming a quasi Cockney accent in the process.
His mindset shifted to a more mischievous one as his transformation completed, at the time he didn’t know what he had finally turned into it but he was still optimistic.
“Oh well, might as well see what kind of monster i’ve turned into this time.”
He staggered over to the mirror slightly and examined his reflection, he recoiled in absolute horror and disgust upon sight of his reflection. The facial hair, the height and lithe frame, the uncombed messy mop of black hair, the guy-liner...he had seen that face before.
Rather than being turned into a Tim Burtonesque character or even a cool or scary looking monster, he had been morphed into the one person that everyone kept thinking he was dressed as before...and that person was...British comedian Russell Brand.
“I’m Russell Brand? Aaaw man! This is so completely and utterly unfair, I wasn’t even dressed as him! Everyone keeps saying i’m dressed as him, but I was dressed as a Tim Burton character. And yet i’ve been turned INTO him?”
“Nathan..what’s wrong?”
“Don’t look at me, i’m a hideous, hairy, disgusting, putrid, repulsive, messy-haired freak of nature!”
Nathan/Russell Brand started to cry for a few seconds, absolutely horrified of what he had become. He liked Russell Brand, but he wasn’t even dressed as him he thought it was more than a tad unfair.
“Aaw come on, Nathan..cheer up.”
“I wasn’t even dressed as him earlier..but yet I’ve been turned into him? This must be a cruel sick joke that the supernatural entity has pulled on me.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“I could have been turned into a zombie, a vampire, or what I was originally going for - a Tim Burton character but nooooo….I get turned into Russell Brand.”
Just when he thought that it was going to suck, he discovered something amazing, he actually discovered that he had developed various powers akin to those of a Tim Burton character.
He could even turn himself into a more Burtonesque form, so somehow his Burton inspired costume from earlier - made it so he would gain powers of a mixture of different Tim Burton characters.
“ did you do that?”
“I don’t must have something to do with the costume I wore earlier, my theory iis that is because of its Burtonesque nature and style - I gained the powers of a supernatural creature in a Burton film. In other words, I think that this has gotten a whole lot better!”
Victoria gave a sly smile as she too started to transform, her skin tone became much paler as her nails grew longer, black nail polish was applied to them in the process.
Her Elvira dress altered to become more like the real thing as her hips and breasts expanded, her figure becoming more sensual and much slimmer.
Her eyes turned a lovely shade of blue as purple eye-makeup applied itself around her eyes, her lips puffed out more as blood red lipstick was applied to them. Her features morphing and reshaping themselves in the process, making her resemble Elvira a lot more.
The tone of her voice changed, becoming more sensual and lower in tone but also slightly more sarcastic and witty.
She had now fully transformed into the mistress of the dark herself, she turned to Nathan/Russell and gave a sly smirk.
“Let’s go, Mina, Toby and Chloe are probably worried about us.”
“Yes, we must hurry.”
Nathan/Russell and Victoria/Elvira ran over to one corner of the torture room, Nathan/Russell accidentally knocked over a statue which in turn opened up a hidden doorway.
The two of them ran through the hidden doorway, which took them all the way back to the foyer, when they arrived there, they met up with Toby/Obi Wan, Mina the bear-girl, and Chloe the werekoala.
But before Nathan/Russell could tell them anything, he was ensnared by plant vines and not just any plant vines either but the vines of an Audrey II plant. That plant was the newly transformed Seymour, who had become an Audrey II styled plant monster.
“Well well...what do we have here? Oooh my, it’s Russell Brand!”
“I demand you to release me from your botanical grip this instant.”
“Now now, Russell. Don’t you want to hang out with me, good old Seymour?”
“Noo...especially not if you’re looking at me like that.”
“Don’t worry, i’m not going to hurt you...i’m just going to gobble you up instead.”
“Oh no you don’t. You wouldn’t want me, I taste gross! I taste awful, lousy, despicable, putrid, vile, repulsive…”
“Oh, but I think you probably taste lovely.”
Thinking quickly, Nathan/Russell grabbed a few jumper cables and wrapped them around Seymour’s plant-like body, in the process his already long hair extending and he used it to trip Seymour over, sending jolts of electricity through his body.
He then made his escape and headed back through the foyer, first he fended off a group of zombies by dancing with them in a Thriller-esque dance number before heading over to a group of people that had been turned into monsters sitting around a campfire.
“Legend tells of a terrifying beast that lurks within the woodlands, it is a hairy animalistic creature that comes out at nights to render the flesh of any normal sane human that comes within range, it is covered in thick hair, its hair is long and tangled. Some say this creature is a lot more intelligent than your average monster.”
“Is it a werecreature?”
“Some say it is, some say it is not. Nobody knows for sure.”
Just as they were telling the story, Nathan/Russell trodded over to them before he tapped the lead monster on the shoulder, that head monster was none other than Bobby who had actually morphed into a gorilla-like monster.
“Excuse me sir, that was a wonderful story and I found it to be very captivating and alll..but what exactly is so scary about this so called monster?”
“ see…”
Bobby the gorilla monster and the others turned in the direction of Nathan/Russell and they all screamed in unison.
“It’s the monster!”
“What is it?
Nathan/Russell watched as the panicked and transformed party-goers ran away in fear, wondering why on earth they were running away, perhaps they were scared of him. But why would they be scared of him?
“Everyone run! The monster is here...he’s out to hunt for blood and human flesh! Everyone run as fast as you can.”
“That’s no monster...that’s Russell Brand!”
“Russell Brand? That’s even more horrifying! Everybody, run even faster!”
“Come back, please!”
“My leg!”
Just then he saw what appeared to be Danielle, except she appeared to be rather thirsty and needy.
Danielle panted and hissed as her skin turned pale as her costume morphed into a gothic vampiress gown, her fingernails grew longer and sharper and blood red markings became noticable on some parts of her skin.
Her hair grew longer until it was at shoulder length and it turned a dark scarlet tint, her eyes turned from blue to a dark redish colour and gave off a supernatural glow.
Feeling her teeth with her tongue, she felt her teeth lengthtening and sharpen to become quasi-vampiric fangs.
Her moans became more seductive and sensual as did her thoughts, she developed vampiric instincts and powers as the changes completed..she was now a vampiress.
“Oh, Russell.”
“Come here you bad-boy, I want to sink my teeth into your neck.”
“Oh no you don’t.”
“Oh yes I do, come on..Russ… I want to make you a vampire prince.”
Nathan/Russell backed away slightly, but not before bumping into a couple of large monster bodyguards including one werebear-like one.
“Hold one is allowed to be seen with the vampire princess unless they are a supernatural creature!”
“Well, i’m a supernatural creature.”
“Really? What kind?”
“I’m a crossbreed weredog.”
“Well...that’s interesting. Say...aren’t you also that comedian Russell Brand?”
“Yes..I am.”
“Mr Brand, I didn’t know you were a weredog.”
“Again..i’m a crossbreed weredog, because you see my mother is a werepoodle and my dad is a wereretriever, black one not a golden one. I’ve also got a bit of Afghan and Dobermann in me as well, but also weredalmatian as well..”
“How many weredogs are in your family?”
“Well...101 or 102 to be exact.”’
“101 Weredogs?”
“I think it may in fact be 102…”
“That’s what I call an extensive bloodline. Is there anything you hate about being a weredog?”
“It has to be the shedding. It gets everywhere you know, i’ve tried everything to prevent it but I always end up failing miserably.”
“Do you hate vacuum cleaners as well?”
“Definitely...they’re the worst. Here’s my secret, if you don’t wear your shoes indoors, there is no need to use a vacuum.”
“Oooh! I love shoes!”
“”Me too, I wear them everywhere!”
“Very well,’re allowed to see the princess.”
“Thank you.”
Nathan/Russell crept back over to Danielle the vampire princess, as he was careful not to get bitten by her or to anger her monstrous bodyguards.
He took her by the hand and she took the two of them flying back to the foyer where Flabber was, in hopes that he might have an answer to their predicament.
Victoria/Elvira was also there with Flabber, as she ran up to Nathan/Russell and hugged him.
“Oh thank goodness you’re alive! I thought that Danielle might have turned you into her undead slave already.”
“She didn’t.”
“Aaaw! Isn’t that cute? Elvira is hugging Russell Brand!”
“Finally...Russell Brand has someone who he can relate to.”
“I hope that Elvira does not catch fleas from him!”
“She better keep a leash on him, I hear he can get a bit wild sometimes.”
Flabber appeared in front of the crowd of monsters and stopped the gossiping monster girls, he turned to them.
“Now now, that is no way to talk to our resident lovable furball. Wolfgang is a human being just like everyone else, okay...he’s a werewolf but still…”
“I wasn’t talking about Wolfgang, I was talking about him!”
One of the monster-girls turned to Nathan/Russell and pointed at him, Nathan/Russell was imitating a weredog and chewing on an old shoe.
“Yes, him!”
“Oh, you mean Russell Brand. Oops, sorry, my mistake.”
“Everyone makes that mistake. It’s no big deal. Sometimes even I get them mixed which one is the furry half-man half wolf who acts like a dog and which one is the hairy British comedian?”
Nathan/Russell stood up, reacting to what the monster-girl said, feeling a little bit ticked off about it.
“Did she just say I look like a dog? How rude and absolutely spiteful. I should teach that woman a lesson!”
“No, bad Russell Brand! Sit! Stay!”
“She said I look like a dog when I don’t even look remotely canine.”
Flabber turned to Nathan/Russell and looked rather puzzled, he then turned to Chloe, Toby/Obi Wan, Victoria/Elvira, Mina the bear-girl, and Danielle the vampire princess.
“ we have ourselves here a werekoala, a jedi, a half girl-half bear, Elvira, a vampire princess and Russell Brand, huh? Hmm...would you mind explaning this?”
“Well Flabber, you see..we were all turned into what we were dressed as, thanks to a supernatural aura that has taken over the air. Now you, Wolfgang, Frankenbeans, Mums, Fangula and Little Ghoul are not the only monsters that live here.”
“I see...well perhaps I can help.”
Flabber concentrated and used his magic to bring all the transformed guests closer to the foyer, before spinning around and appearing in a showman’s attire.
“It’s showtime!”
A stage appeared beneath him as he floated over to it and began to sing, singing a remix of classic halloween songs.
Everyone joined with the song and dance including Nathan/Russell and his friends, as they did - the supernatural aura began to dim down for a few seconds.
A few hours later the supernatural aura dimmed down completely and the transformed guests returned to normal.
“Now...what about us?”
“I’ll get right to it.”
Flabber clicked his fingers and in a flash our heroes were turned back to normal, Nathan gave a sigh of relief.
“Yess! I’m me again! I couldn’t stand being Russell Brand! Heh...that rhymed!”
“ about we all celebrate and continue with the festivities?”
“Oh flabsolutely!”
And with that they all went back to the party in the mansion and continued to have fun, partying all night long.
As for what happened later, our heroes found that even though they had been turned back to normal - they still had some supernatural powers, Chloe had her werekoala powers, Mina had bear-like strength and heightened senses, Toby had the power of the force, Victoria had Elvira’s magic, Danielle had vampire powers and Nathan had Tim Burtonesque creature powers.
They later got to use their powers to entertain their friends and to help out the other residents of the monster world.
Remember, halloween is not just a night for ghoulish antics but also for having fun and celebrating all things ghoulish and amazing, but when you’re in a world inhabited by monsters - halloween is every single day and night.
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