Favorite animals

1. Koalas. (Some people make the mistake of calling them koala bears, even though technically they are marsupials. These guys are adorable, not to mention they are skilled climbers - and I bet you didn't know they were nocturnal).
2. Pandas. (These poor guys are endangered but man are they awesome. They're so big and soft, and also can be pretty tough.)
3. Felines. (Just about any kind of cat really, it doesn't matter if they are wild or domesticated - felines are amazing. My favorite breed of domesticated cat is the Russian Blue because my old cat Nico was one of those, I also love black cats because of their connection with witchcraft and the occult. As for favorite wild cats, lions and panthers are the ones I love beast.)
4. Rats. (A lot of people view these guys as pests but I don't, sure - they may have caused the plague back in the dark ages, but man are they cool. I used to be scared of them because I had a friend who owned a pet rat and I was afraid that I would get a disease from it but i've grown to love them.)
5. Owls and ravens. (Normally I hate birds, but these two bird types are acceptable in my book. Owls are often portrayed as being wise, and they are incredible - especially seeing as they can turn their whole head around. As for ravens, I love them because you can see a whole lot of them in horror movies and they make a gothic atmosphere look fantastic. Also....Nevermore!)
6. Fishes. (I love all kinds of fish, but my personal favorites are the scary/predatorial ones such as the shark species, anglerfish, pirahna, dragonfish and so on. But I also love the lion-fish because for some reason Russell Brand reminds me of them, also the Pufferfish is awesome as well. I think it's funny when they 'puff up.')
7. Bees and Ladybugs. (There are so many wonderful insects out there in the world. But my personal favorites are bees and ladybugs. Bees work so hard to give us that delicious honey that we love to put on toast, not to mention they have a special way of telling their friends what's going on - and that's by dancing. Ladybugs are just plain gorgeous, and not to mention they are considered good luck. They have spots on their back and just look so elegant and precious.)
8. Bats. (This is another animal you'll see in a lot of horror movies, especially if there's vampires involved. Vampire bats and fruit bats are my favorite, even though vampire bats don't actually bite humans. Not to mention their sonar power is awesome!)
9. Wolves. (These guys are so misunderstood. They are the victim of being typecast in the media mainly as bad guys. But they are truly awe-inspiring and beautiful.)
10. Elephants. (You can never forget an elephant. They are big, strong and not to mention can lift things with their trunk - the females have a VERY IMPRESSIVE memory hence the classic saying An elephant never forgets.)
11. Gorillas and orangutans. (My favorite of the ape species. Not only are these guys extremely big and bulky but they are also rather intelligent. Plus I love how amazing and resourceful they are.)
12. Axolotyl. (This one is my dream pet. I've always wanted one of these, they're nifty because they are amphibians and can live on land and in water, also they can walk out of the tank and go for a little stroll which to me i think would lend itself to a huge amount of comedic possibilites.)
13. Kangaroos. (These guys kick ass. With their powerful legs and tails - they make terrific fighters and even better boxers - even the national animal mascot for Australia is a kangaroo in boxing gloves.)
14. Chameleons. (There is something extrarodinary about these creatures, I think it's to do with their ability to change colours depending on their emotions.)
15. Snakes. (I love sssssnakes, they are so slithery but beautiful. My favorite types are pythons, constrictors, and cobras as well as coral snakes and rattlesnakes. here's a fun little story... when I was really little I went to the zoo and I actually got to hold a snake and stroke it.)
16. Vultures. (I call these guys the "Christopher Walkens" of the animal kingdom, while they are creepy in more ways than one, you can't help but be impressed by them - as they are rather awesome and cool.)


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