For the past several years at Herodale College, the Hero House had defeated the Villain house each time. No matter what monster it was, the Hero House always found a way to defeat them. Especially considering the newest members of this particular house were a group of Power Rangers esque characters known as the Ultra Teens. Michael was the leader of the group, Daniel was second in charge, Lionel was the genius, Samatha was the tough girl, and Janine was the resident beauty. One night up at Villain House HQ, Dr Disgusto and his minions were thinking of a new plan to try and get rid of them. "There's got to be someway to get those pesky Ultra Teens for good. There just has to." "You could send do another monster, sir." "Why bother? It only ends up in us getting our butts kicked." "Maybe there's a monster we haven't tried yet..." "Hmmm...but what kind?" "I don't know, but i'm sure we'll ...