clarifying rant


I am just going to clarify this...I have never been transphobic and neither has Nathan, what happened with my anime rant was that I was actually specifically saying I found it odd that some anime tf writers used two pronouns, I was not refering to anyone and I am not lying to cover up my own ass here, what I am saying is the truth. The only reason I didn't like the anime tfs I had read is because of the mind changes, look I have nothing against commissions, far from it, it's just stuff like character tfs where the victim's mind shifts and stuff like Avianine's work that makes me hate those kind of transformation. 

I know Avianine's fans love commissioning their OCs to be her latest victims but I view that they all portray their OCs as to stupid to know any better, I mean come on...Deiser gets his human OC transformed by her almost every time and he should have by now not to touch items she owns or makes.  Here's the thing, when Nathan commented on those pictures he was in character and he admits he is ashamed to admit he liked Avianine's work.  He used to like it up until she started doing Changed, Avianine called him out for not liking her Changed stuff and called him bossy. Excuse me?  Bossy?  I'm sorry but Nathan only said he hates Puro related shit popping up on Deviantart and finds Changed to be creepy and overrated, and it's not like that comic got any better ever. Oh look, a random victim who likely is the commission er's OC standing around, oh look there's Ciel as Puro, oh look, here she comes, here she comes to strip them of their identity, oh no...Ciel is forcibly transfurring them and erasing their minds, oh gee look at them now they're transfurs and obey her every command.

Oh yeah how do I say this?  They were all the same thing. A dragon OC turns up only to be turned into a non-flying transfur,  we don't see him again afterwards. Brainy Kong's human counterpart turns up, he gets transfurred, and we don't see him again afterwards. There's a subplot about Ciel as Puro needing a host, that never gets brought up again.  Oh look, there's a squiddog transformation, squid-dog transfur doesn't appear again afterwards. I could go on and on.  Look, having a different opinion isn't harrassment.  I dislike Forrest Gump, but do I hear people going 'Oh my god, you hate Forrest Gump, you're Tom Hanks-phobic!'? No I don't.

And before you say 'But doesn't Mel forcibly transform people against their will and brainwash them too?',  I am going to say no because she is the opposite of Ciel, Ciel is clearly a villainous character who is viewed as a good person even though she does horribly shit to other people and forcibly transforms others regardless, and Mel is actually good, she is a good person who is sometimes villified or viewed as a pest because of her actions even though she's the city's heroine and she has to stop evil-doers in the monster world, she only punishes criminals and villains and is polite when it comes to transforming people. Mel wouldn't go up to someone and force someone to be stuck as a Pokemon, well she used to exclusively do it to people she didn't like, but specifically only people who have harmed her or her friends, or just characters she hates in general like the clown fetish guy or the world domination obsessed guy.  And if she actually did go after anyone online, it was mainly uses on the Deviantart forum who in the past were assholes to Nathan just because Nathan, even on the praise forum he had this problem.  Like one user who very much said that he was a 'tool' for roleplaying and did a bad joke to prove it...because hurr hurr get it, 'you should identify as a nail and a board because you're a tool, get it?'

And the stupid person who very much mocked him for a story he did which he admitted came out terrible due to what happened with one of his previous computers, you see that story was written on one of his previous computers before that computer crashed and he got hacked, hence why it came out a bit rushed in the end.  He had no control over that really.

I simply must explain that what I said in my anime tf rant in its original form was a mistake and I admit I was being ignorant as to what being trans or bigender meant as I wasn't clued up, have I made a few mistakes like that in the past...yes, I have, but I learn. And also I am going to say this, people who act like using a character to vent is cowardly are stupid, like if you don't care about these rants why do you even bother commentating on them? Why do you act like there is a damn point to make in these? Look, this is a comedy rant show NOT a documentary. If you want a thorough intellectual indepth look at something or someone, just go on Youtube and watch video essays, I am not an essay writer, I don't 'write thoughtful analysises'  I don't 'give TED talks',  I don't do 'video essays', I am not here to give you insight on anything.  This is a comedy show.

A comedy show with rather subjective material, yes but still a show. Here's the thing, if these people truly didn't care about my rants they wouldn't have commented on the first place, also I don't get how these people think 'vent art' is cowardly, like what is wrong with using a character to express your feelings?  Yes I know using an avatar of a fictional character or a real person instead of a photo of yourself is an entirely different thing, but I didn't need to be lectured on it or given the 'cancer culture' treatment because of it.

I am just saying...wrestlers use personas, musicians have stage-names, actors have stage-names, reviewers have personas, it's common, trust me. I should be allowed to have my opinions. I don't care if these assholes have nothing better to do than to call someone a coward for using an OC, if they didn't care they shouldn't have commented.

Nathan's comment on that Pokemon drone headshot got a 'no one cares' comment on it and I immediately thought, well clearly you did care enough to comment about not caring about something that you clearly thought needed to be cared about.  Here is the thing, Nathan was expressing his opinion,  Nathan was clearly stating he finds drone tfs and drones to be creepy and also overrated, and the shark one...yeah, i'm sorry but he's right about sharks being an overrated tf species, like with bears.

It's like the only fish species to tf into that some people can think is a shark and that's it, probably because they think sharks are badass. Sorry, but Jaws lied to you. There are other fish species to tf into.  I am going to give you this re-made version of my anime character tf rant to clarify things: 'These stories in question are commissioned to almost always be the same thing, some YCH of the artist who comissioned it being forcibly turned into an anime character and losing their minds to the transformation, please note I am not against the gender identities of any of these people,  I am simply objecting to how these stories are done, if the artist asks for this, sure, I can buy that but there are some people who don't like mind changes who might be turned off by these type of stories. At the time of the original rant I wasn't familiar with the animes being used for the store so I apologize for being ignorant and stupid about it. I am just saying to those who don't like losing their minds, could they maybe get a version for them?   The stories are decent, well-written, I just don't like the mind change element.'


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