Everything Wrong With Changed.
Everything Wrong With Changed:
- How on earth is this game so popular? Are there are just that many horny emo furry wannabes out there who want to bang a pile of goo?
- 10 extra sins because of Puro's existance.
- If all the other Transfurs have 'assimilate you' as their prime instinct, what makes Puro so different from them? Is it because he's some kind of mutant Transfur? Is he partially human internally himself? Or does he just happen to know how to control himself because he became more human-like after reading? How come he only turns on you in the bad endings?
- So the masks on the black transfurs aren't just masks, they also have white-faces underneath.
- Also if Transfurs have no bones and organs does that mean they can't eat or digest food? But Puro eating in the game contradicts this, thus Puro does have organs and can eat.
- The transformations. It's David Cronenberg levels of horrifying only the Body Horror is downplayed and sexualized. Do we really need to know what it looks like too?
- Okay...did Collin just mutate into a black transfur and then split up into several mini-transfurs? Looks like Dragonsnow saw the movie Subspecies.
- What is this game rated again? Because i've seen reviews from the game on Steam from obviously people who are children or pre-teens or teens and this game doesn't look kid friendly to me.
- This one transform into a half-transfur makes it look like Collin is wearing Puro's ears and tail and legs as part of a costume. Which is pretty much what people who hate the game like myself probably wish they could do to Puro anyway.
- If everything in the lab and outside the lab can assimilate you, doesn't that also mean the lab itself can do it to you? What would happen if the building itself got goopified, would it just become a giant Transfur hive? Also what would happen if an inanimate object got transfurred?
- Also...so being a human is the virus that is supposedly dead? Oh that's just great, the 'humans are the real monster' cliche.
- This game's difificulty...
- Why doesn't Collin wear a shirt? Is he Jacob from Twilight?
- The plot. So you've been meaning to tell me they could have prevented the part of the transformation that makes the victims lose their humanity and their minds but intentionally they didn't so they're stuck like that?
- Also if the only options are dying or being transfurred...what's stopping Collin from killing himself instead of letting himself get transformed?
- Some friend Puro is. Sure he helps you but he assimilates you in one of the bad endings...bad Puro, you get an extra 10 sins.
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