
Showing posts from July, 2021

Sam, Why?

Someone who I thought was my friend blocked me today. Oh Sam, oh Sam...why did you have to do this to me? Why did you just have such a bad dawg? You know i'd never insult you. Acting all simpering doesn't make me look good I admit But come on, did you have to block me. My Black-dawg of doom is no more. He blocked me, obviously he hates me. Why do you hate me? Are you moving on? Come on, at least you could have warned me. Come on, doggy... If you wnat i'll apologize. I'm happy you're in a relationship. With someone who doesn't use you. Or only want you for your body. And hey at least it's not a troll. But please if you don't consider unblocking me. You will only result breaking my heart. I'm not saying you should unblock me. But you broke my heart and I thought you were my friend. But it seems you don't care. You probably care enough to know you'll never love me. I have had many friends but none can replace you. D

WB Rants: Why.

 Werebelushi: I don't usually like doing these but...Sam, why? Why did you block Nathan? I thought he was your friend, oh I see how it heard some bad shit about Nathan based on experiences with his other former friend, right?  Or you're moving on and think he's beneath you just because you've got a REAL relationship, right? *sarcastically* Oh i'm so freaking happy you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't want you to be their sick love-slave or only likes you for your body and not as a person. Actually I am happy for that but I am not happy that you didn't even give a reason for blocking Nathan. 'Ohh look at me i'm Blackdawgy, i'm going to block Nathan even though he's my friend'.   Well if you don't have a good reason for blocking him, then screw you, some friend you are. Look i'm sorry if I am vilifying, acting all simpering doesn't make me look good I know but come on, for shame. Bad dawg, bear...thing,...

Everything Wrong With Changed.

 Everything Wrong With Changed: - How on earth is this game so popular?  Are there are just that many horny emo furry wannabes out there who want to bang a pile of goo? -  10 extra sins because of Puro's existance. -  If all the other Transfurs have 'assimilate you' as their prime instinct, what makes Puro so different from them?  Is it because he's some kind of mutant Transfur?  Is he partially human internally himself?  Or does he just happen to know how to control himself because he became more human-like after reading?  How come he only turns on you in the bad endings? - So the masks on the black transfurs aren't just masks, they also have white-faces underneath.   - Also if Transfurs have no bones and organs does that mean they can't eat or digest food? But Puro eating in the game contradicts this, thus Puro does have organs and can eat. -  The transformations.  It's David Cronenberg levels of horrifying only the Body Horr...

Beginnings of An Invasion.

  Beginnings Of An Invasion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the world of Dead by Daylight, there are killers and there are survivors...and there are some killers who we don’t suspect to be the killer at all and those killers are the ones who are right in front of us or are people we know and love. The case of the killer in tonight’s tale of horror is one that speaks very close to the heart of horror itself...the horror that could be next door to you and you might not know. Nathan or ‘The Scientist’ as he was called was the latest addition to the ranks of the killers, he started off as a special effects and monster creator who was brought on to help the survivors by creating new monsters, which he did, but then he decided to experiment, as much as he enjoyed watching the survivors fight the monsters he made, he felt bad that he didn’t get to put his knowledge of the paranormal to work and help the team out, he was always viewed as somewhat of an odd one by the others. Appe...