Genie's Gameshow.
The Genie's Gameshow.
Jasmine TG.
It all began with a gameshow, this gameshow was essentially an Egyptian/Arabian themed version of Legends Of The Hidden Temple but with an interesting twist...there wasn't a host, at least at the very beginning of the show, you see...the host was none other than Robin Williams, but it was Williams playing as a version of himself that had traits of Genie thrown in and at the very beginning of the show it was explained that Robin got imprisoned inside a lamp that was left in one of the temples and that the players had to go and find the lamp in the temple. Nathan had invited a couple of his two friends to take part in the game show with him, in addition to this he also brought Eben along...although he detested Eben for being a con-artist who ate his customers out of house and home - he set aside his hatred for bring him on the show. 'Is this the show you are talking about?' 'Yeah, it is.' 'Looks fantastic...but how do we play it?' that's when the announcer's voice began to establish the rules for the show and how to play it, along with the prizes...Eben chuckled to himself. 'So if we play these...we get prizes?' 'Yes, and many supernatural secrets.' 'I must find those out' 'Sorry Eben, knowing your reputation for being greedy you're likely to end up cursed within the next few minutes.' 'Curses, smurses...I want that prize.' Nathan scowled at Eben, knowing how greedy he was. Eben of course would want that prize for himself while Nathan was the opposite, he would want to share it with his friends.
"Don't say we didn't warn you."
"Heh heh."
Eben cackled to himself as the group approached the temple, the temple opened as if by supernatural magic and a floating map materialized...highlighting the exact location of where to find the lamp, the teams headed off as Nathan and Jason headed over to figure out the puzzles in each area while Eben and his crony decided to sneak in and take a shortcut...out of the two teams Nathan's team got there the quickest and were able to figure out the clues, while the power-hungry Eben took shortcuts with his cronies, he didn't care about playing fair he wanted to cheat which was against the rules. 'Do you see the lamp, Jason?' ''s over there by the cat goddess statue.' 'You've got a good eye Jason.' Nathan picked up the lamp, and gave it a rub...and as if by supernatural magic the host...Robin Williams himself, emerged out of it. 'Whew! I was wondering when someone was going to come along and do that.' 'Robin...are you alright?' 'Never been better. This always happens here. By the way Nate, I saw Mel...I see she's an apprentice genie.' 'Well she is and she is doing really well.' 'I have seen some of her work.' 'So what is the prize we get for helping you?' Robin pointed out to a special kit containing an amulet that could translate Egyptian text, along with some amulets with mystical powers and also a cat goddess mini-statue.
"Gimme gimme gimme!"
"No, Eben...noooo!"
Robin attempted to stop Eben from getting his hands on the amulet and he did, only for Eben to grab the translation amulet to read some transcripture on the wall. 'Well that's just stupid. It says that those who pick up these prizes who isn't going to use them for good is going to be cursed.' 'I'm warning you, the curses are real and not to be taken lightly.' 'I want them so much though.' Nathan grabbed the other amulets. 'Eben, listen to Robin. He may be a genie but even he knows that magic can be really dangerous in the wrong hands, such as yours'. 'What does that mean?' 'You will become cursed. Your actions and the way you clearly don't care about anything else apart from gaining all of those prizes. Not to mention the fact you cheated.' 'That's how I get by every day, you cannot stop me.' 'Maybe Nathan can't stop you, but I can.' Eben wasn't expecting it, but Robin seemed to be using his magic to prevent him from touching the prizes.
"Hey...what gives?"
"You see, only those who play fair are allowed to have these."
"But I totally played fair."
"No...actually you cheated. Trust me, I know someone like you, who treated at a game. Look what happened to to him."
A boy that looked like he was half-monkey with brown fur on his face and on his hands looked up at Robin, Robin felt bad for him because he knew that the boy needed help and recognized the mistake he had made. 'So i'll turn into a chimp?' 'Technically he is a monkey-boy, monkeys have tails, chimps are apes and don't have tails.' 'Don't care, I want that prize.' 'Oh no you don't, mister. I'm going to make sure you don't end up like he did.' Eben didn't listen and made a dash towards the amulet with the jewel in the middle, he placed it on his neck and as he did - smoke emerged from it and that's when he began to feel a little bit strange, looking at his arms he could feel them losing mass and becoming longer, his skin softening and smoothening as it developed an exotic tint to it while his hands shrank and his fingernails lengthened, making them look like he had long nails that belonged to a woman he gasped as he examined his new hands. 'What the?' 'I warned you...but you just had to be greedy about it.' He panicked as his stomach slimmed along with his chest and torso. I know what you're're probably going to be all grossed out, right? Well that's what happens when you don't play by the rules in these scenarios.
" have to fix this."
"Sorry, but as the host I established right from the get-go that you have to play fair. And clearly you cheated."
Anyway...he panicked as he examined his transforming body and he gasped when a pair of round formations slowly developed on the former, blossoming outwards into what was known as a pair of breasts as his clothing slowly changed into a lacy outfit which was a baby color, becoming a perfect replica of an outfit worn by a certain princess as his hips inflated, his legs lengthened while his privates altered but this wasn't disgusting or unpleasant, it felt pretty nice as his back arched and his feet shrank, his shoulders shrank inward while his hair lengthened and turned from brown to black,a gold bangle materializing in the middle of it as his eyebrows thinned. His neckline lengthened while his jawline softened, eyelashes blossomed around his eyes as his features feminized, it didn't take him long to realize he was turning into Princess Jasmine as a pair of earrings similar to hers materialized around his eyes as his nose shrank and his lips plumped up. His features slowly morphed themselves into a perfect copy of hers as his voice rose up higher in pitch, slowly changing into a replica of Jasmine's voice, Robin was all about teaching others how to play fair with his gameshow and he established that cheating was not allowed, had he known before that Eben was going to cheat he would have gone out of his way to stop him. Nathan looked over at Robin, asking him a few questions. Eben held his head for a little bit as his personality and mind fused with Jasmine's, making him think he had always been born as her and more than that...she recognized Robin, she knew Robin was her friend and she knew that another princess she met once, a princess named Zelda...took a liking to him too.
"Robin. I'm sorry I acted like that earlier. I should have known better."
Robin looked over at Jasmine and comforted her. 'There there, you are forgiven.' 'But what I did was wrong.' 'Yes, it was. But people can learn from their mistakes, as can you. You have learned a lot.' 'Well you are truly the best host and genie helper a princess could ever wish for.' 'Aaaw shucks, you're making me blush over here.' 'It's true.' A familiar parrot flew in, that parrot being Iago...Iago landed near the next prize and examined it, carefully tucking it under his wings and looking after it. 'Now what kind of fool would pass on this? This is valuable. I'm keeping it, okay...i'm keeping all of it! For safe keeping.' Iago landed on Robin's shoulder for a minute and waved to Jasmine before cracking a few jokes. 'How about we continue this quest?' 'That sounds good but there's one problem...where's Aladdin and Abu?' 'I know what we should do.' He transformed into a noir style detective as he picked up on the rest of the clues, Jasmine and Iago followed him along with Nathan and the others, the clues went from the parlor of the temple over to the throne room and that's where she saw Aladdin, Abu and Carpet. 'Hi guys! Sorry we're late.' 'That's alright, we're just getting ready. Once again Robin, your skills as a genie gameshow host have come in real useful here.' 'Please excuse my lateness. I just flew in from the parlor and boy are my arms tired!', Aladdin laughed as Robin transformed into an airplane.
"Ah, it's good to see you again."
"I heard they tried to replace me with the new guy."
"Yeah, it didn't go well."
"Well i'm the original and you cannot replace the original no matter how hard you try."
"You can say that again."
"You cannot replace the original no matter how hard you try!"
And with that Robin gave Aladdin, Jasmine, Abu and Iago a big hug with Carpet joining in, they all had a wonderful time in the temple and Nathan and the others all agreed that sometimes if not most of the time the original is better. Aladdin adopted the monkey-boy from earlier and even a very famous character from Neverland stopped by to pay Robin a visit, that character being Peter Pan...and Peter was glad to see his friend again. Being a genie did have lots of advantages, including sharing with others magical wisdom and advice. As for what happened later, Nathan managed to find a very special prize that was hidden away and he gave it to Aladdin, it was a special locket containing a picture of him and Genie. 'I think Genie would be very proud of you.' 'Oh, I definitely think he will be once I tell him about this adventure.' And thus we come to the moral of the story, playing fair is always the name of the game when it comes to getting things done, but trying to take shortcuts and trying to cheat doesn't do anything but cause you to make a monkey out of yourself, remember to always play fair and be respectful of other players and to think of others before yourself, if you work together with others, it makes everything go much smoother.
Dedicated to Robin Williams
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