Turning the Paige
Turning the Paige
Paige TG.
Criticism is a complex and intricate thing, it can be used for good and it can be used for evil. But when they use it for the latter it basically becomes a case of them using it to mask their own problems, these types of people claim to be critics who claim they know how criticism works even though it is obvious they are cowards who hide behind their beloved best friends for protection even if their friends aren't even remotely useful. One such 'critic' as IdrisJones32 aka Idristhehunter, a DA-Verse citizen who often had lots of nonsensical adventures involving himself and his supposed family travelling through different dimensions, nobody knew what species he even was, he appeared humanoid but had behavior and traits that made him seem inhuman, mostly due to his half-demon genes. He was a demon who was raised to be the heir of the demon lord Hatrigohn, a demon who lived to cause conflicts and cause misery to others, he was a man who often attacked others in the form of criticism which contained dark and overly convoluted pseudo-analysis, he had no understanding of the word 'satire' or what an opinion was.
Nathan had encountered him many times on his travels, specifically when demon hunting and he was sort of a rival of his...actually it wasn't a rivalry, it was more of a 'I don't like you because I think you're a coward who can't handle criticism' ordeal coming from Idris mostly, since Idris himself wasn't as imposing and as powerful as his backstory depicted him to be. 'Idris...we meet again', Nathan sighed as he got out his demon slaying kit. 'Why yes we have, werejoshpeck..' 'I told you not to call me that, only members of the Daloli-verse refer to me as that, because they think my characters are real. They're not real, at least not in the actual real world which isn't the monster world' 'I don't care, I will still call you werejohncandy or were-whatever because that's who you are to me, a worthless, invalid, insignificant, and irrelevant shithead I could care less about.' 'I'f i'm so irrelevant how come you got into a paranoid panic once Mel started finding out about your doings? Oh and remember when you trash-talked her even though she did nothing to her? Clearly whatever demonic side your powers come from doesn't have a dictionary'. 'Ugh...you...I hate you, I hope you shrivel up and die'. 'Already happened, you hot-headed little parasite'. 'But...that one time?' 'You thought I actually did die? I'm sorry but that's not possible, I can come back from the dead. It was established several seasons ago.'
"Your lack of self awareness is showing."
"Lack of self awareness? I've been self-aware ever since I regenerated from my old incarnation. Ugh, hated my Drmusic2 incarnation by the way. Way too pretentious and needy for my liking. What season did you recently tune into? The early Drmusic2 period seasons of 1-3? If you were referring to those particular seasons, yes...I did have a lack of self awareness back then."
"But...that one Chris Chan spoof story. I critiqued you on it. I said that it's confusing and a mess. And that I didn't get it. I coaxed you into saying that you think you are a god. I have it all in my domain...I coaxed you into believing you were a god. I did, I really did...and I called you a critic-fearing coward."
"That episode? Everyone knows it's a Nightmare On Elm Street AU episode. And for the record the reason the original version of that story was so vague and confusing was because that episode was rushed along with the animal transformation at Cirque Du Soleil episode, and 'critic-fearing coward'...you might want to look in the mirror. Because all that negative criticism you have directed towards me in general could apply to you."
"I know, you coaxed me into believing I am a god. But really that wasn't even me you were talking about. The title character in the episode is who you were talking about. Obviously you didn't get to the twist...the twist is that he turned out to be a missing member of the Dream Warriors which in general kick-started the Elm Street storyline with him later meeting up with the remaining ones to take on Freddy. The reason it was never addressed in the original version of the episode was due to time related issues. It can be really difficult to come up with a good twist ending especially if your show is an anthology show that has to fill out the running time without getting the censors provoked."
"The horrific implications..."
"I know what you're going to say, you're going to say...'the horrific implications and ramifications of your adventures are numerous and are equally as fucked up as you and the insanity of shit like the werecelebrities, dead characters, and all of those incoherent ramblings in your journals being spread throughout the whole universe are all staggering bla bla bla', you are a one trick pony you know that, right? Of course you do, you've been doing this stupid anti-me shit ever since you first materialized."
"Stop harassing me with your mind reading powers."
"But i'm not harassing you with my powers, I know better than to stoop to your level. Oh, and how sweet of you to think of unleashing Cool Cat and a possessed Daddy Derek to be part of an unmade revenge plot against me. I managed to slay both of them with my trusty demon slaying kit. And your little toadie was easy to destroy as well. And you're the one to talk when it comes to incoherent ramblings, I can't even make any sense out of your adventures. Like how in one of them you turned into your own sister and coaxed her boyfriend into having sex and also cloned yourself in that one episode just so you could have someone with the same opinion as you?"
"Yeah but you see..."
'And what about the the sewer mutant episode where you pretty much kept going back and forth between wanting to save the people form the mutants and wanting the mutants to win so you basically had it so you came up with a split personality virus that gave you a second personality who is a traitor towards humans? Yeah, you pretty much George Lucas your own adventures. Right down to having some of your dead characters turn out to be still alive for no reason."
"What? You're not supposed to fight back, you're supposed to cower in fear..."
"I'm not afraid of you, all you've done to me so far is threaten me and bash me under the deluded pretension that you think you are a critic, i've dealt with people like you all the time in the Daloli-verse and frankly judging by your attitude and the way you like to trash-talk me and others, you belong there and not here."
"Only a critic fearing coward..."
"Yeah yeah I know...only a critic fearing coward censors the truth and acts like it never even happened at all even though there is meaning behind it and bla bla bla. Words so profound and deep shouldn't be coming from a mouth so foul. Don't you worry, I disposed of your lackies/minions and sent them to the nightmare realm where they belong. I was going to report you to Mel but i've got something else in store for you."
"More lame parlor tricks?"
"Parlor tricks? Ha...these aren't parlor tricks, what I have are real supernatural powers. Powers which I use responsibly and don't use to torment innocent people. These are the powers that I use for good. And let me tell ya something, pal. You won't see stuff like this in Vegas, Idris."
Nathan's eyes turned from brown to a neon blue color as they glowed as supernatural energy jolted through his body, he entered a trance-like state as he levitated, a shadowy creature that resembled the Monsters Inc character Randall Boggs emerged from underneath Idris as it slowly grabbed him and pulled him down onto the ground, Idris attempted to fight off the monster with his powers but he found the spell was slowly draining him of those particular powers. 'I demand you let me go!' 'Now now that's not very nice. You have lost your ability to make demands ages ago. If you only understood what it feels like to be tossed around and attacked. If only you understood how I feel, if only...' 'If only what?'
The half-demon was about to ponder what Nathan meant by 'if only' but just as he was did, his heart-beat pumped up and down rapidly, he wasn't having a heart attack though, his aura was slowly lightening and losing the more sinister aspects as pain jolted through his body, he groaned in agony as he clutched his stomach, his grizzled looking skin slowly smoothening and losing imperfections as it lightened, his signature markings and tattoos fading away as his arms slowly contorted and lengthened. 'My arms...what are you doing to me?'. His hands slowly shrank down in size as his fingernails lengthened, gaining black nail polish on them. While his nails didn't resemble his signature fierce demon claws, they were pretty formidable. His dark red armor peeling open and contorting into a black top while his torso and chest contorted, a pair of round formations known as breasts developed on the latter.
He groaned as his legs lengthened and his hips inflated, his signature leggings changing to fit them as his pleated battle-sneakers shifted into a pair of boots while his feet shrank, a loud and ear-piercing cry of anguish came from him as his privates retracted and his back arched. He let out a few more agonized screams as his shoulders shrank and his neckline lengthened. His once mighty physique was now more womanish, but also developed a bit of musculature on it, giving him the body of a female wrestler. 'I'm giving you a much needed do-over, clearly you have failed in your current life and you need a new leaf, a new persona, a new form...and i'm giving you that.' 'But...I don't understand.' 'That's how it always is with you...you don't understand so you feel the need to dip your nose in places that it doesn't belong.' 'I don't get it...' 'You weren't brought upon this world to 'get it', Mr Half-Demon.'
Idris couldn't believe this was happening to him, it was if he was altering and everything that he supposedly worked hard on was being vacuumed away never to be seen again. His raggedly looking blondish-brown hair slowly darkened, turning jet black as it straightened out, he felt his face with his hands as his eyebrows thinned and his eyes widened, dark eye-makeup applying itself around them while his nose shrank in width. His lips plumped while his facial features softened and feminized, slowly morphing into those of a wrestling diva as his voice elevated in pitch, feminizing and developing an English accent as his features contorted to match his voice...he recognized who he resembled and sounded like...in both appearance and voice he sounded like the wrestling diva known as Paige. 'Thank you so much by the way for introducing me to Lovecraftian elements and helping me get more in touch with Nightmare Fuel. It's good to see someone who appreciates MST3K as much as I do.'
His mind and personality altered, his memories altering to reflect his or rather her new form, traces of 'Idris' fading away completely into the proverbial shadows and being replaced with Paige, a were-celebrity and also fellow evil monster hunter and these memories included helping Mel and Nathan on their missions and giving Nathan a book of Lovecraft lore and introducing him to the elements of the Nightmare Realm. She looked over at him as her transformation finalized. 'Is he gone?' 'Yes, that evil half demon jerkass is gone.' 'Thank goodness, he was so annoying too. I can't believe you had to put up with his stupidity.' 'Yeah, he's definitely gone for good now.'
"So...how do you like being a monster hunter?"
"This is actually a pretty good gig to be honest..."
"Would you like to join my team? I mean if you want to that is..."
"Well of course I would."
"Follow me..."
Nathan used his powers to teleport the two of them to the main lab area where Paige was initiated into the monster hunting research team as a member and given some special new powers and skills. 'Remember, we must only use these powers for good and not for evil' 'You don't need to tell me twice.' Paige chuckled to herself as she took a look at the Cthulhu statue on the desk. 'Nice statue you have there, is it yours?' 'Actually it's Mel's. I'm just looking after it.' 'Aaaaw...I see, still looks awesome though!' 'Glad you approve of it. I just know you are going to love it in here'. And thus with that Paige was now an official member of the team and from then on, assisted Mel and Nathan on many missions and assisted with slaying villainous monsters and bringing them to justice. There was a new huntress on the team and ready to kick some monster behinds.
As for what happened later, all of her former victims were freed and returned to normal. She now respected her critics instead of viewing them as being beneath her, she cared for her friends and knew how to handle other people's opinions, she was no longer a brash overly cocky, egotistical, snobbish half-demon, but rather a kind werecelebrity and monster hunter for hire with a love of action and taking names, she had gotten what she had deserved the entire time, a change in perspective which is what she had always wanted, she had been her worst critic and this was exactly what she needed. And thus brings us to the important moral at the end of this story, it is fine to critique others but you must know the difference between critiquing people and out-right picking on them for no reason, yes...you can do both but you don't have to sugarcoat it, but criticism must in someway be useful or helpful instead of just flat out insulting. Don't treat people who critique your work like scum, for chances are they are only trying to help.
Paige TG.
Criticism is a complex and intricate thing, it can be used for good and it can be used for evil. But when they use it for the latter it basically becomes a case of them using it to mask their own problems, these types of people claim to be critics who claim they know how criticism works even though it is obvious they are cowards who hide behind their beloved best friends for protection even if their friends aren't even remotely useful. One such 'critic' as IdrisJones32 aka Idristhehunter, a DA-Verse citizen who often had lots of nonsensical adventures involving himself and his supposed family travelling through different dimensions, nobody knew what species he even was, he appeared humanoid but had behavior and traits that made him seem inhuman, mostly due to his half-demon genes. He was a demon who was raised to be the heir of the demon lord Hatrigohn, a demon who lived to cause conflicts and cause misery to others, he was a man who often attacked others in the form of criticism which contained dark and overly convoluted pseudo-analysis, he had no understanding of the word 'satire' or what an opinion was.
Nathan had encountered him many times on his travels, specifically when demon hunting and he was sort of a rival of his...actually it wasn't a rivalry, it was more of a 'I don't like you because I think you're a coward who can't handle criticism' ordeal coming from Idris mostly, since Idris himself wasn't as imposing and as powerful as his backstory depicted him to be. 'Idris...we meet again', Nathan sighed as he got out his demon slaying kit. 'Why yes we have, werejoshpeck..' 'I told you not to call me that, only members of the Daloli-verse refer to me as that, because they think my characters are real. They're not real, at least not in the actual real world which isn't the monster world' 'I don't care, I will still call you werejohncandy or were-whatever because that's who you are to me, a worthless, invalid, insignificant, and irrelevant shithead I could care less about.' 'I'f i'm so irrelevant how come you got into a paranoid panic once Mel started finding out about your doings? Oh and remember when you trash-talked her even though she did nothing to her? Clearly whatever demonic side your powers come from doesn't have a dictionary'. 'Ugh...you...I hate you, I hope you shrivel up and die'. 'Already happened, you hot-headed little parasite'. 'But...that one time?' 'You thought I actually did die? I'm sorry but that's not possible, I can come back from the dead. It was established several seasons ago.'
"Your lack of self awareness is showing."
"Lack of self awareness? I've been self-aware ever since I regenerated from my old incarnation. Ugh, hated my Drmusic2 incarnation by the way. Way too pretentious and needy for my liking. What season did you recently tune into? The early Drmusic2 period seasons of 1-3? If you were referring to those particular seasons, yes...I did have a lack of self awareness back then."
"But...that one Chris Chan spoof story. I critiqued you on it. I said that it's confusing and a mess. And that I didn't get it. I coaxed you into saying that you think you are a god. I have it all in my domain...I coaxed you into believing you were a god. I did, I really did...and I called you a critic-fearing coward."
"That episode? Everyone knows it's a Nightmare On Elm Street AU episode. And for the record the reason the original version of that story was so vague and confusing was because that episode was rushed along with the animal transformation at Cirque Du Soleil episode, and 'critic-fearing coward'...you might want to look in the mirror. Because all that negative criticism you have directed towards me in general could apply to you."
"I know, you coaxed me into believing I am a god. But really that wasn't even me you were talking about. The title character in the episode is who you were talking about. Obviously you didn't get to the twist...the twist is that he turned out to be a missing member of the Dream Warriors which in general kick-started the Elm Street storyline with him later meeting up with the remaining ones to take on Freddy. The reason it was never addressed in the original version of the episode was due to time related issues. It can be really difficult to come up with a good twist ending especially if your show is an anthology show that has to fill out the running time without getting the censors provoked."
"The horrific implications..."
"I know what you're going to say, you're going to say...'the horrific implications and ramifications of your adventures are numerous and are equally as fucked up as you and the insanity of shit like the werecelebrities, dead characters, and all of those incoherent ramblings in your journals being spread throughout the whole universe are all staggering bla bla bla', you are a one trick pony you know that, right? Of course you do, you've been doing this stupid anti-me shit ever since you first materialized."
"Stop harassing me with your mind reading powers."
"But i'm not harassing you with my powers, I know better than to stoop to your level. Oh, and how sweet of you to think of unleashing Cool Cat and a possessed Daddy Derek to be part of an unmade revenge plot against me. I managed to slay both of them with my trusty demon slaying kit. And your little toadie was easy to destroy as well. And you're the one to talk when it comes to incoherent ramblings, I can't even make any sense out of your adventures. Like how in one of them you turned into your own sister and coaxed her boyfriend into having sex and also cloned yourself in that one episode just so you could have someone with the same opinion as you?"
"Yeah but you see..."
'And what about the the sewer mutant episode where you pretty much kept going back and forth between wanting to save the people form the mutants and wanting the mutants to win so you basically had it so you came up with a split personality virus that gave you a second personality who is a traitor towards humans? Yeah, you pretty much George Lucas your own adventures. Right down to having some of your dead characters turn out to be still alive for no reason."
"What? You're not supposed to fight back, you're supposed to cower in fear..."
"I'm not afraid of you, all you've done to me so far is threaten me and bash me under the deluded pretension that you think you are a critic, i've dealt with people like you all the time in the Daloli-verse and frankly judging by your attitude and the way you like to trash-talk me and others, you belong there and not here."
"Only a critic fearing coward..."
"Yeah yeah I know...only a critic fearing coward censors the truth and acts like it never even happened at all even though there is meaning behind it and bla bla bla. Words so profound and deep shouldn't be coming from a mouth so foul. Don't you worry, I disposed of your lackies/minions and sent them to the nightmare realm where they belong. I was going to report you to Mel but i've got something else in store for you."
"More lame parlor tricks?"
"Parlor tricks? Ha...these aren't parlor tricks, what I have are real supernatural powers. Powers which I use responsibly and don't use to torment innocent people. These are the powers that I use for good. And let me tell ya something, pal. You won't see stuff like this in Vegas, Idris."
Nathan's eyes turned from brown to a neon blue color as they glowed as supernatural energy jolted through his body, he entered a trance-like state as he levitated, a shadowy creature that resembled the Monsters Inc character Randall Boggs emerged from underneath Idris as it slowly grabbed him and pulled him down onto the ground, Idris attempted to fight off the monster with his powers but he found the spell was slowly draining him of those particular powers. 'I demand you let me go!' 'Now now that's not very nice. You have lost your ability to make demands ages ago. If you only understood what it feels like to be tossed around and attacked. If only you understood how I feel, if only...' 'If only what?'
The half-demon was about to ponder what Nathan meant by 'if only' but just as he was did, his heart-beat pumped up and down rapidly, he wasn't having a heart attack though, his aura was slowly lightening and losing the more sinister aspects as pain jolted through his body, he groaned in agony as he clutched his stomach, his grizzled looking skin slowly smoothening and losing imperfections as it lightened, his signature markings and tattoos fading away as his arms slowly contorted and lengthened. 'My arms...what are you doing to me?'. His hands slowly shrank down in size as his fingernails lengthened, gaining black nail polish on them. While his nails didn't resemble his signature fierce demon claws, they were pretty formidable. His dark red armor peeling open and contorting into a black top while his torso and chest contorted, a pair of round formations known as breasts developed on the latter.
He groaned as his legs lengthened and his hips inflated, his signature leggings changing to fit them as his pleated battle-sneakers shifted into a pair of boots while his feet shrank, a loud and ear-piercing cry of anguish came from him as his privates retracted and his back arched. He let out a few more agonized screams as his shoulders shrank and his neckline lengthened. His once mighty physique was now more womanish, but also developed a bit of musculature on it, giving him the body of a female wrestler. 'I'm giving you a much needed do-over, clearly you have failed in your current life and you need a new leaf, a new persona, a new form...and i'm giving you that.' 'But...I don't understand.' 'That's how it always is with you...you don't understand so you feel the need to dip your nose in places that it doesn't belong.' 'I don't get it...' 'You weren't brought upon this world to 'get it', Mr Half-Demon.'
Idris couldn't believe this was happening to him, it was if he was altering and everything that he supposedly worked hard on was being vacuumed away never to be seen again. His raggedly looking blondish-brown hair slowly darkened, turning jet black as it straightened out, he felt his face with his hands as his eyebrows thinned and his eyes widened, dark eye-makeup applying itself around them while his nose shrank in width. His lips plumped while his facial features softened and feminized, slowly morphing into those of a wrestling diva as his voice elevated in pitch, feminizing and developing an English accent as his features contorted to match his voice...he recognized who he resembled and sounded like...in both appearance and voice he sounded like the wrestling diva known as Paige. 'Thank you so much by the way for introducing me to Lovecraftian elements and helping me get more in touch with Nightmare Fuel. It's good to see someone who appreciates MST3K as much as I do.'
His mind and personality altered, his memories altering to reflect his or rather her new form, traces of 'Idris' fading away completely into the proverbial shadows and being replaced with Paige, a were-celebrity and also fellow evil monster hunter and these memories included helping Mel and Nathan on their missions and giving Nathan a book of Lovecraft lore and introducing him to the elements of the Nightmare Realm. She looked over at him as her transformation finalized. 'Is he gone?' 'Yes, that evil half demon jerkass is gone.' 'Thank goodness, he was so annoying too. I can't believe you had to put up with his stupidity.' 'Yeah, he's definitely gone for good now.'
"So...how do you like being a monster hunter?"
"This is actually a pretty good gig to be honest..."
"Would you like to join my team? I mean if you want to that is..."
"Well of course I would."
"Follow me..."
Nathan used his powers to teleport the two of them to the main lab area where Paige was initiated into the monster hunting research team as a member and given some special new powers and skills. 'Remember, we must only use these powers for good and not for evil' 'You don't need to tell me twice.' Paige chuckled to herself as she took a look at the Cthulhu statue on the desk. 'Nice statue you have there, is it yours?' 'Actually it's Mel's. I'm just looking after it.' 'Aaaaw...I see, still looks awesome though!' 'Glad you approve of it. I just know you are going to love it in here'. And thus with that Paige was now an official member of the team and from then on, assisted Mel and Nathan on many missions and assisted with slaying villainous monsters and bringing them to justice. There was a new huntress on the team and ready to kick some monster behinds.
As for what happened later, all of her former victims were freed and returned to normal. She now respected her critics instead of viewing them as being beneath her, she cared for her friends and knew how to handle other people's opinions, she was no longer a brash overly cocky, egotistical, snobbish half-demon, but rather a kind werecelebrity and monster hunter for hire with a love of action and taking names, she had gotten what she had deserved the entire time, a change in perspective which is what she had always wanted, she had been her worst critic and this was exactly what she needed. And thus brings us to the important moral at the end of this story, it is fine to critique others but you must know the difference between critiquing people and out-right picking on them for no reason, yes...you can do both but you don't have to sugarcoat it, but criticism must in someway be useful or helpful instead of just flat out insulting. Don't treat people who critique your work like scum, for chances are they are only trying to help.
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