
Showing posts from August, 2018

TftW: Change Of Face.

TftW: Change Of Face. NOTE: This is a transformation of my character into David Bowie and it has elements of MC with werecreature-esque themes to it as well as vampire elements.  In addition to this,  this includes the topic of transformations as a whole and how types of transformations are different and vary depending on the person. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The word transformation can mean many kinds of things including both a spiritual one and actual one,  the concepts of shapeshifting and werecreatures are ones that have been around for centuries and all of them are different, and there are some that enjoy the same kind of metamorphosis over and over but there are some that long for something new and Nathan was one of them.   He was always trying to try out new transformations and new forms, even if that form only lasted for a few minutes,  which he didn't think was a bad thing...but he really wished he could stay in certain forms for longer than t...

Rediscovering Labyrinth

Rediscovering Labyrinth. NOTE: This is a first person perspective origin story of how my character became Labyrinth obsessed and then transformed into Jareth, and this includes elements of MC and hypnosis thrown in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Having shapeshifting powers can be both a blessing and a curse,  and to me it certainly is like that. While I do like being able to transform at will,  I like unexpected transformations as well and the transformation in today's story is definitely that,  it started on a rainy afternoon and I was at my part time job of being a teacher.  I was teaching an arts and drama class and I noticed that since it was raining, it would be a good opportunity to watch some movies...there were quite a few favorites including Shrek 2,  and a couple of Disney movies but there was also Neverending Story and a little film called Labyrinth.  Although I really hoped Shrek 2 would win (blame the fact I am a sort of brogre on it,  bu...

TftW: Serious Moonlight.

TftW: Serious Moonlight David Bowie TF W/horror theme. NOTE: This is one of the Bowie TFs i'm working on,  this is one of my character into him..he has already been turned into Jareth and it's only fitting that a shapeshifter like my character becomes Bowie,  this is one of the first times such a transformation has happened. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nathan Forester aka Monstermaster13 was really a master when it came to transformations,  he could become anyone he wanted or any of his favorite characters and his love of monsters played a big part in that,   in particular ones that had shapeshifting as a superpower like vampires,  werecreatures and ones from folklore from all over the world.  Even back when he first started out he had a fascination with monsters and the fact he lived with them enabled him to live out his dreams.   Of course there were multiple personality quizzes he enjoyed on the subject of monsters and he liked seeing wha...