TftW: Trumped.
TftW: Trumped.
Mel (koala-girl OC) to Trumpty (Trump-monster) TF/TG/MC
This is an extremely weird and bizarre story that takes place in the Monster World and features elements of the supernatural and also features corruption, MC, and Trump-monsters, if you are looking for a serious and philosophical piece or have questions or complaints you are barking up the wrong tree. This also has a bit of supernatural history in it regarding the rivalry between two species.
Even the bravest of heroes have a nearly unbeatable enemy that they need to vanquish and destroy, and sometimes that enemy is one that is shared by more than one hero. Such as the monster in today's story. Our two monster hunting marsupial heroes Mel and Eucalyptus were summoned to investigate another case up in a nearby clubhouse and they did well so far until they came across an extremely large area that was covered in gold and what appeared to be a nest.
Both of them were curious as to what this nest was and what was inside it but they didn't want to touch it for they feared that something vicious, evil or bloodthirsty was lurking in there and it frightened them a little, but not by much, after all they had encountered much scarier things - this to them was a little bit freaky.
"That's one gigantic nest.."
"I'd hate to imagine what kind of animal or monster has made those eggs, yet alone what kind of animal or monster is in them. They look pretty extravagant the owner of the nest a giant or something?"
"Nah...does this look like a fairy tale to you? I don't think so."
"Well whatever it is, I hope it's nothing that we can't handle. I do worry thought that if it gets too powerful that we may not be able to stop it. I know I shouldn't worry about these things but I do."
"Mel, Mel...Mel. We have dealt with all sorts of supernatural entities in the past and there haven't been any that we weren't able to stop. Remember the time we battled those freaky evil clowns that tried to brainwash everyone? We were able to defeat them and turn everyone back to normal. Remember when we stopped those animal drones? I certainly do. And more than just those too..."
"You're probably right, Eukie."
"Remember when Russell Brand was evil and he came after us in the nightmare realm and tried to make you his dark queen? And remember the first time you defeated him? I certainly do, and that was the most amazing thing I have ever seen you do, and that's saying a lot."
"You know what? You're right...whatever it is, it's nothing we can't handle."
"That's the spirit.."
The eggs in the nest slowly cracked open as several creatures leaped out of them, the cratures that emerged from the eggs looked distinctly Trumpish but they were cutesy and cuddly looking as well, with different animal-like features and traits. One of them, one that was half bird, flew over to the two koala-girls.
"Eeeeew...what are those things?"
"Those are Monstrumps. Monstros Trumpus. They are basically a race of monsters that are Donald Trump-ish. They come in many shapes and sizes. These ones are obviously of the Mini variant, and are the much cuter version of the regular ones I have seen. But just because they are adorable doesn't mean they are harmless."
"Do they bite or anything?"
"Well..yeah, but don't worry...those things only go after humans. We're supernatural beings, their powers probably won't have any effect on us. Now let's squash those little nightmares before they make their first moves!"
"Alright, let's get them!"
Eucalyptus started fighting off the Monstrumps with her gadgets and martial arts moves while Mel used her super-strength to pick one of the unhatched eggs and use it like a bowling ball, knocking a group of Monstrumps over with it. She then tied them all up and body-slammed them before charging at a few of them and smashing the eggs before any more Monstrumps could hatch, unfortunately said Monstrumps had a way of multiplying and it just began to get worse from there.
Mel backed away a little before kicking one of them onto the ground, the little Monstrump begin to shriek and cry as if it was in pain, as cute as the little guy was though...she wasn't fooled as she kicked it out around several more times as if she was playing soccer. Within a few seconds later the rest of the Monstrumps were defeated, however there was one Monstrump left and that was the leader.
She got out her energy blaster and fired it at the the leader Monstrump, the leader Monstrump shrieked as he was defeated. But something seemed off, she couldn't put her finger on it but something was off.
"I don't get it...something isn't right. We took down the leader Monstrump and the others, how come there are still a few of them left? I don't get that. Why aren't the others down yet? We defeated most of them."
"Well, you know...we have to take down the head Monstrump. If we destroy the head Monstrump, the others will go down with him. It's simple monster monarchy tactics, there's always a head monster. We have to destroy the head Monstrump and defeat him once and for all."
"But I don't see him Eukie...are you sure?'
"He's probably around here somewhere, we have to keep searching."
"Right...good advice."
Luckily though both of them didn't have to look too far or even remotely as far as they were standing from the nest, as a spectral being that took on the form of the most infamous Monstrump of all, the head Monstrump himself - Trumpty. Trumpty chuckled evilly to himself as he gazed over at them.
"And here he is!"
"So that's the infamous Monstrump that Nathan keeps telling us that he has visions about, well it's good to see he's twice as blubbery and slimy in person as he is in the visions. And he's Trumpish, definitely accurate to the description."
"Ah, you must be's so nice to meet you."
"Eeeew...and you must be..."
"Trumpty? Yes...I am."
"Nathan has told me and Eukie so much about you. He says he has nightmares about becoming you and those nightmares have come true numerous times, and I can see why he'd be afraid of turning into you."
"Exactly and now we're going to stop you."
"Oh, i'm afraid that you won't be doing that anytime soon."
Trumpty chuckled as Mel readied her proton pack and fired a few shots at him, but unfortunately for her the blasts missed him and he then flew over to her and dove down her throat, possessing her. She squirmed a little as this happened and began to feel sick, coughing a few times as if she had a really bad chest cold.
"Ha the fun really starts."
"I cannot do that, especially since I have yuge plans for this particular marsupial."
"You do realize that your Monstrump powers don't work on non-humans, right? I mean Mel IS a superpowered koala-girl, you can't exactly turn someone like her into a Monstrump, she's more resistant to your powers than most of your victims are."
"Oh really now? Well stand back and prepared to be proven wrong."
Mel's stomach gurgled and growled several times as she coughed several more times, trying to spit him out but he was already inside of her body and starting to work his cruel ways on it, altering her DNA in the process. She felt violently ill, coughing and spluttering and doing whatever she could to try and get him out.
"Mel! Are you okay?"
"I have to get that creature out of me before he takes over and..."
"Transforms you into a Trump-monster? Monstrumps can only turn humans, non-humans cannot be affected by Monstrump powers. Even if Trumpty is possessing you, there's no way he can fully turn you into one..."
Eukie comforted her friend as she looked on in fear, comforting her with her words of wisdom and helping her to combat the monstrous influence that was now within her, she loved and cared for her and would hate to see her lose the fight. Mel's stomach gurgled as her body slowly started to expand, starting with her arms which were broadening and more so than that....her fur was fading in color a few times and softening, slowly turning from grey to a peach-tan almost orangish shade. Her cute, petite hands were slowly swelling and growing too, as her claw-like fingernails shortened a little before glistening a golden color.
"Aaaaah! My hands...and my nails! My fur..."
"Oh no...this may be worst than I thought. I didn't think this was possible seems you may be mutating into him. Yikes, that's something that I thought only happened to Nathan or Keith, never to a female. A female turning into Trumpty is usually something that rarely happens. But it seems it's really happening."
"What? I'm mutating into Trumpty...this is horrible. "
Trumpty's voice echoed in her mind, teasing her a little. That Monstrump always knew how to toy with people who he put under his control and also how to toy with Nathan, up until now he hadn't heard of 'Mel' or her friends...Nathan hadn't even told Mel and the others about him at all, not even the alpha walken known as Christopher knew about him - and that Walken knew everything.
It was true that Monstrumps and Walkens were rival monster groups, basically they are the polar opposites of each-other in terms of tactics and traits. Walkens were known for being calm and sophisticated, not only that but their hypnotic aura and vampire-like attributes made them alluring. True they were bloodthirsty but they only went after humans who did bad deeds and used their powers to scare them into turning good, that is when they didn't hypnotize them and condition them into joining them as fellow 'Walkens' or 'She-Hessians', Chris himself did this. And of course Chris himself would only truly attack someone if he was in 'Hessian' mode.
For the most part Walkens were calm all the way through unless of course they went for a long time without blood, hence why they'd go on a spree of hunting down whatever humans they could find to drain the blood out of or if someone tried to get in the way or attack their loved ones, Monstrumps on the other hand were an aggressive species that acted calm one minute but would be prone to having hissy fits the next.
Another major difference between Walkens and Monstrumps was that the former only went after humans that did bad deeds while the latter just went after any human they could find regardless of whether or not they did anything, also Walkens had no particular quarrels with other species of monsters...gargoyles were pretty much allies to them after all, the only quarrel the Walken species had with another species was with demons, because not only were demons directly responsible for Chris (the alpha Walken) losing one of his beloved friends who came back to betray him and tried to kill him but also because of their intentions.
Monstrumps on the other hand had problems with basically any species of monster that wasn't the same as them and thought that any species that wasn't a 'Trump-monster' like them was inferior. Apart from the two species being enemies, neither Chris or Trumpty knew about each-other and neither one of them had even met. There was a reason Nathan never told anyone about his problem of turning into the latter, because to him it was embarrassing.
Mel had never been told about all that much about Trumpty outside of what Nathan had told her, she had heard him being mentioned by a demonic tiger dancer but she had never seen him or heard of him up until this point. True, there were quite a few Trump-monster sightings prior to this but she hadn't had much experience with them in general. And now to her horror, she was slowly mutating into him.
"This is so disgusting and repulsive but I have to fight this. I have to win this and I mustn't let him take over, i'm stronger than most of his victims. I can do this, I can do this...I can do this."
"That's right Mel, you can do it..."
"Thanks Eukie."
"Aaaaw, isn't that precious? You think you can save her from becoming like me. Your love for your friend is certainly formidable, but do you think it will be strong enough to overcome my power?"
"I know it is...I know it is. And I know I can beat you!"
She squirmed several times as she tried numerous times to ignore his taunts, all the while she continued to feel her mutation happening and it grossed her out just to look at it. Her fingers slowly thickened as her gloves slipped off. Her hands now didn't resemble her own ones anymore, her upperbody slowly started to expand and contort, making it look like she was packing on weight.
Being a marsupial who prided herself on having a superheroic build, a look of pure shock and horror swept across her face as her toned build slowly bloated up, her stomach being the starting point while her chest and torso followed suit, it mortified her to see her heroic physique contorting the way it was. It sounded disgusting and it felt disgusting, as her breasts slowly shrank away and receeded into her chest, her much larger upperbody losing some of the toned muscle that she was known for sporting on ocassion.
"Don't cry Mel, we can do this together...we can defeat him."
"Oh superheroic physique is leaving me and now it's being replaced with this...this is just horrible, this has got to be a nightmare, it just has to be. This can't be happening to me, it just can't."
"It can and it're becoming me and there is no turning back."
The koala-girl kicked and squirmed as she thought a series of positive thoughts, as a means to exorcise any of his thoughts out of her and to prevent him from influencing her mindset, also being thankful that she was wearing her transformation proof clothing but that Trump-monster knew a way around this, as the top half of her attire slowly changed in shape and form to become a Brioni business suit top. Her jeans seemed to also be straining a little but also roughly changing in shape, her legs broadened with a cracking sound while her feet enlarged and altered, her boots slowly turning into a pair of size 12 workshoes.
"You know if my superhero ex-boyfriend was here he would have thought of a way to not only fix this but also defeat you and kick your sorry orange behind back to where it came from. I know for certain that he wouldn't be tolerate this. And you can be certain that he would teach you a lesson."
"That's too bad...I would have loved to meet him."
Mel was determined not to surrender and not to give up, as she cried and sobbed numerous times while Eukie hugged her. Eukie's hugs were always theraputic for her, after all Eukie was a fellow koala-girl and the hugs soothed her and helped ease her pain, but nothing could ease her pain and sorrow. She looked down at her legs and then turned around, her tail was slowly shrinking away as her rear was inflating and growing bigger, losing its curves and becoming much larger than normal.
Her jeans slowly reformed themselves into the lower half of the suit, while her privates altered and contorted into the more masculine variant. Her back and shoulders slowly broadened as she grew from 5'8 to 6'2 in height, her body now roughly weighing 236lbs, it just felt alien to her, like it wasn't her own body.
"Mel...hold on, we can make it through this. We have faced worse threats before and suceeded. True, Trumpty is stronger than most monsters we have had battles with but it doesn't mean we can't defeat him. We're friends and always will be. Even if you are becoming like him, you'll always be my friend."
"You really mean that?"
"Yes..would I ever lie to you?"
Eukie continued to hug Mel, determined to help her overcome her mutation and determined to keep her as a friend no matter what. She sobbed a little but it was a good reason to cry, she feared losing the best friend she had ever since both of them were starting out - it was this fear that was the worst one of all. Mel groaned a couple of times as she moved her new body around, groaning as Trumpty's voice echoed in her head in attempts to condition her into liking the process.
She tossed, turned, groaned and grunted as her mutation got worse and worse - made even more terrifying by the fact that Trumpty's voice was trying to condition her into liking it, and she struggled to keep his influence at bay but it only progressed further. Her aura darkened, as dark supernatural power jolted through her body.
"Ugh....I mustn't let him do this. I mustn't let him try to take over my mind."
"Oh, but you like this...I like this."
"Trumpty, I won't let you do this to me. I'm a koala-girl and a superhero, i'm not going to let you influence my mind. You cannot control me, you cannot control me. You can't get away with this and you won't."
"Oh, but I already have."
She felt a grumbling sensation in her throat as her neckline altered, a crimson colored necktie slowly wrapped itself around her neck and extended down to her stomach. In addition to this, she began to dread what was going to help next. Holding Eukie by the hand, she sobbed and tried her best to keep calm, she touched her blubbery body and recoiled in disgust. As far as she knew, this was the worst. Or rather the second worst, the actual worst part was yet to come.
Her koala-like ears slowly shrank away in size while her hair shortened bit by bit as it turned from brown to blonde, the hair-style slicking itself back and combing itself into a familiar style as her forehead and brow changed as well, her eyebrows slowly bushing up and turning blondish while her face slowly turned the same peach-tan almost orangish color as the rest of her fur or 'skin', her eyes turned from brown to icy blue. Her rapidly darkening aura was starting to affect Eukie as well, making her afraid and mortified at the same time as she gripped onto her friends.
Eukie put her hand up to her friend's face and then screamed a little in horror as she saw Mel's nose altering and shifting along with her jawline, her mouth widening as her cheekbones sharpened, her head growing a bit in size as her femimine and adorable facial features morphed and contorted themselves, grizzlying up into those of the creature who was possessing her, which is to say...she looked more like Donald Trump more than her normal self.
"There there,'s going to be alright."
"No it's not, i'm not going to be able to fight crime again."
"I'm sure we'll find a way."
Mel grunted and groaned a few times as she tried to focus on her normal form, but any memories of her normal form seemed to be slipping from her mind as her voice deepened and gruffened, altering to match her appearance, making sound less and less like herself and more like Trump as she groaned and tried to keep the Trump-monster's thoughts from altering her mind. But Trumpty's influence was overtaking her.
"I must remember i'm a koala-girl and a superhero, not a Trump-monster."
"Oh? But you are...and you always will be."
"I'm a marsupial, not a Trump-monster."
"You're a Trump-monster, not a marsupial."
"No, no, no...noooo..."
"Oh yes, you are."
Eukie held onto her friend as she sobbed uncontrollably, she couldn't bear to see her like this and she found it extremely horrible to watch her mutate and transform and to be slowly be overtaken by the tangerine skinned creature known as Trumpty. But Mel's darkening aura made it impossible for her to hold on for long, as Mel's mind shifted further and further until she began to forget who she was and remember something else all-together, something about Trump, and monsters...and a species with a name that was a combination of the two, that species name being Monstrump - a combination of Trump and the word monster. She or rather he at this point began to remember being their leader and being that species himself, specifically that he was a Leader type Trump based monster that looked and sounded like Trump but as a monster.
The greenish-blue furred koala-girl held on for a few more seconds before eventually recoiling in disgust and letting go, watching as Mel became no more...and in the place of the koala-girl now stood a full bodied version of Trumpty himself. Trumpty looked at Eukie and chuckled, stretching as he felt the energy jolting through his body, he chuckled as he saw the koala-girl backing away.
"I know you're in there Mel, please don't hurt me.."
"Mel? Mel is no more. I am the only one here."
"What did you do to her?"
"I possessed her and now, she and I are one."
"You mean?"
"Yes...your friend is no more."
"Oh yes..."
"There has to be a way to bring you back."
"There isn't, I am Trumpty and always have been."
"No, no...noooooo!"
"And now there's nothing you can do."
Eukie cried several times before deciding on a new plan, she tried to find a spell or two to turn her transformed friend back but none of them seemed to work. She couldn't tell her friends back at HQ about this and she couldn't tell Nathan about this either, which worried her, there just had to be some way to figure this out. She wasn't giving in and she didn't want to give up either.
She decided to use the technology she had been given to send out a distress signal to all of her friends and fellow heroes, with the signal she could contact them and summon them over to work on a plan. Once said heroes arrived, she began to calm down and started thinking of ideas for what to do next, she didn't want to lose this fight and she vowed that she would do whatever it takes to solve the problem. She was determined not to give up and in addition to this, she knew that with more additional heroes to help her out - she wouldn't lose.
And thus with that Eukie and the other heroes began to work on their plans in secret, working on numerous methods to try and keep the Monstrumps from finding out and also making sure that none of Trumpty's minions were around or listening in. As for what happened later, she began to work on ways of executing her plans with the help of the other heroes. As for Trumpty, he was waiting to see if any other heroes would come by, he always had an admiration for heroes and he wanted quite a few of them to join him, of course he had to think of a plan of his own.
Remember this, my friends. We all have enemies and sometimes we have no choice but to join that enemy, after the old saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them, or in this case...become them.
Mel (koala-girl OC) to Trumpty (Trump-monster) TF/TG/MC
This is an extremely weird and bizarre story that takes place in the Monster World and features elements of the supernatural and also features corruption, MC, and Trump-monsters, if you are looking for a serious and philosophical piece or have questions or complaints you are barking up the wrong tree. This also has a bit of supernatural history in it regarding the rivalry between two species.
Even the bravest of heroes have a nearly unbeatable enemy that they need to vanquish and destroy, and sometimes that enemy is one that is shared by more than one hero. Such as the monster in today's story. Our two monster hunting marsupial heroes Mel and Eucalyptus were summoned to investigate another case up in a nearby clubhouse and they did well so far until they came across an extremely large area that was covered in gold and what appeared to be a nest.
Both of them were curious as to what this nest was and what was inside it but they didn't want to touch it for they feared that something vicious, evil or bloodthirsty was lurking in there and it frightened them a little, but not by much, after all they had encountered much scarier things - this to them was a little bit freaky.
"That's one gigantic nest.."
"I'd hate to imagine what kind of animal or monster has made those eggs, yet alone what kind of animal or monster is in them. They look pretty extravagant the owner of the nest a giant or something?"
"Nah...does this look like a fairy tale to you? I don't think so."
"Well whatever it is, I hope it's nothing that we can't handle. I do worry thought that if it gets too powerful that we may not be able to stop it. I know I shouldn't worry about these things but I do."
"Mel, Mel...Mel. We have dealt with all sorts of supernatural entities in the past and there haven't been any that we weren't able to stop. Remember the time we battled those freaky evil clowns that tried to brainwash everyone? We were able to defeat them and turn everyone back to normal. Remember when we stopped those animal drones? I certainly do. And more than just those too..."
"You're probably right, Eukie."
"Remember when Russell Brand was evil and he came after us in the nightmare realm and tried to make you his dark queen? And remember the first time you defeated him? I certainly do, and that was the most amazing thing I have ever seen you do, and that's saying a lot."
"You know what? You're right...whatever it is, it's nothing we can't handle."
"That's the spirit.."
The eggs in the nest slowly cracked open as several creatures leaped out of them, the cratures that emerged from the eggs looked distinctly Trumpish but they were cutesy and cuddly looking as well, with different animal-like features and traits. One of them, one that was half bird, flew over to the two koala-girls.
"Eeeeew...what are those things?"
"Those are Monstrumps. Monstros Trumpus. They are basically a race of monsters that are Donald Trump-ish. They come in many shapes and sizes. These ones are obviously of the Mini variant, and are the much cuter version of the regular ones I have seen. But just because they are adorable doesn't mean they are harmless."
"Do they bite or anything?"
"Well..yeah, but don't worry...those things only go after humans. We're supernatural beings, their powers probably won't have any effect on us. Now let's squash those little nightmares before they make their first moves!"
"Alright, let's get them!"
Eucalyptus started fighting off the Monstrumps with her gadgets and martial arts moves while Mel used her super-strength to pick one of the unhatched eggs and use it like a bowling ball, knocking a group of Monstrumps over with it. She then tied them all up and body-slammed them before charging at a few of them and smashing the eggs before any more Monstrumps could hatch, unfortunately said Monstrumps had a way of multiplying and it just began to get worse from there.
Mel backed away a little before kicking one of them onto the ground, the little Monstrump begin to shriek and cry as if it was in pain, as cute as the little guy was though...she wasn't fooled as she kicked it out around several more times as if she was playing soccer. Within a few seconds later the rest of the Monstrumps were defeated, however there was one Monstrump left and that was the leader.
She got out her energy blaster and fired it at the the leader Monstrump, the leader Monstrump shrieked as he was defeated. But something seemed off, she couldn't put her finger on it but something was off.
"I don't get it...something isn't right. We took down the leader Monstrump and the others, how come there are still a few of them left? I don't get that. Why aren't the others down yet? We defeated most of them."
"Well, you know...we have to take down the head Monstrump. If we destroy the head Monstrump, the others will go down with him. It's simple monster monarchy tactics, there's always a head monster. We have to destroy the head Monstrump and defeat him once and for all."
"But I don't see him Eukie...are you sure?'
"He's probably around here somewhere, we have to keep searching."
"Right...good advice."
Luckily though both of them didn't have to look too far or even remotely as far as they were standing from the nest, as a spectral being that took on the form of the most infamous Monstrump of all, the head Monstrump himself - Trumpty. Trumpty chuckled evilly to himself as he gazed over at them.
"And here he is!"
"So that's the infamous Monstrump that Nathan keeps telling us that he has visions about, well it's good to see he's twice as blubbery and slimy in person as he is in the visions. And he's Trumpish, definitely accurate to the description."
"Ah, you must be's so nice to meet you."
"Eeeew...and you must be..."
"Trumpty? Yes...I am."
"Nathan has told me and Eukie so much about you. He says he has nightmares about becoming you and those nightmares have come true numerous times, and I can see why he'd be afraid of turning into you."
"Exactly and now we're going to stop you."
"Oh, i'm afraid that you won't be doing that anytime soon."
Trumpty chuckled as Mel readied her proton pack and fired a few shots at him, but unfortunately for her the blasts missed him and he then flew over to her and dove down her throat, possessing her. She squirmed a little as this happened and began to feel sick, coughing a few times as if she had a really bad chest cold.
"Ha the fun really starts."
"I cannot do that, especially since I have yuge plans for this particular marsupial."
"You do realize that your Monstrump powers don't work on non-humans, right? I mean Mel IS a superpowered koala-girl, you can't exactly turn someone like her into a Monstrump, she's more resistant to your powers than most of your victims are."
"Oh really now? Well stand back and prepared to be proven wrong."
Mel's stomach gurgled and growled several times as she coughed several more times, trying to spit him out but he was already inside of her body and starting to work his cruel ways on it, altering her DNA in the process. She felt violently ill, coughing and spluttering and doing whatever she could to try and get him out.
"Mel! Are you okay?"
"I have to get that creature out of me before he takes over and..."
"Transforms you into a Trump-monster? Monstrumps can only turn humans, non-humans cannot be affected by Monstrump powers. Even if Trumpty is possessing you, there's no way he can fully turn you into one..."
Eukie comforted her friend as she looked on in fear, comforting her with her words of wisdom and helping her to combat the monstrous influence that was now within her, she loved and cared for her and would hate to see her lose the fight. Mel's stomach gurgled as her body slowly started to expand, starting with her arms which were broadening and more so than that....her fur was fading in color a few times and softening, slowly turning from grey to a peach-tan almost orangish shade. Her cute, petite hands were slowly swelling and growing too, as her claw-like fingernails shortened a little before glistening a golden color.
"Aaaaah! My hands...and my nails! My fur..."
"Oh no...this may be worst than I thought. I didn't think this was possible seems you may be mutating into him. Yikes, that's something that I thought only happened to Nathan or Keith, never to a female. A female turning into Trumpty is usually something that rarely happens. But it seems it's really happening."
"What? I'm mutating into Trumpty...this is horrible. "
Trumpty's voice echoed in her mind, teasing her a little. That Monstrump always knew how to toy with people who he put under his control and also how to toy with Nathan, up until now he hadn't heard of 'Mel' or her friends...Nathan hadn't even told Mel and the others about him at all, not even the alpha walken known as Christopher knew about him - and that Walken knew everything.
It was true that Monstrumps and Walkens were rival monster groups, basically they are the polar opposites of each-other in terms of tactics and traits. Walkens were known for being calm and sophisticated, not only that but their hypnotic aura and vampire-like attributes made them alluring. True they were bloodthirsty but they only went after humans who did bad deeds and used their powers to scare them into turning good, that is when they didn't hypnotize them and condition them into joining them as fellow 'Walkens' or 'She-Hessians', Chris himself did this. And of course Chris himself would only truly attack someone if he was in 'Hessian' mode.
For the most part Walkens were calm all the way through unless of course they went for a long time without blood, hence why they'd go on a spree of hunting down whatever humans they could find to drain the blood out of or if someone tried to get in the way or attack their loved ones, Monstrumps on the other hand were an aggressive species that acted calm one minute but would be prone to having hissy fits the next.
Another major difference between Walkens and Monstrumps was that the former only went after humans that did bad deeds while the latter just went after any human they could find regardless of whether or not they did anything, also Walkens had no particular quarrels with other species of monsters...gargoyles were pretty much allies to them after all, the only quarrel the Walken species had with another species was with demons, because not only were demons directly responsible for Chris (the alpha Walken) losing one of his beloved friends who came back to betray him and tried to kill him but also because of their intentions.
Monstrumps on the other hand had problems with basically any species of monster that wasn't the same as them and thought that any species that wasn't a 'Trump-monster' like them was inferior. Apart from the two species being enemies, neither Chris or Trumpty knew about each-other and neither one of them had even met. There was a reason Nathan never told anyone about his problem of turning into the latter, because to him it was embarrassing.
Mel had never been told about all that much about Trumpty outside of what Nathan had told her, she had heard him being mentioned by a demonic tiger dancer but she had never seen him or heard of him up until this point. True, there were quite a few Trump-monster sightings prior to this but she hadn't had much experience with them in general. And now to her horror, she was slowly mutating into him.
"This is so disgusting and repulsive but I have to fight this. I have to win this and I mustn't let him take over, i'm stronger than most of his victims. I can do this, I can do this...I can do this."
"That's right Mel, you can do it..."
"Thanks Eukie."
"Aaaaw, isn't that precious? You think you can save her from becoming like me. Your love for your friend is certainly formidable, but do you think it will be strong enough to overcome my power?"
"I know it is...I know it is. And I know I can beat you!"
She squirmed several times as she tried numerous times to ignore his taunts, all the while she continued to feel her mutation happening and it grossed her out just to look at it. Her fingers slowly thickened as her gloves slipped off. Her hands now didn't resemble her own ones anymore, her upperbody slowly started to expand and contort, making it look like she was packing on weight.
Being a marsupial who prided herself on having a superheroic build, a look of pure shock and horror swept across her face as her toned build slowly bloated up, her stomach being the starting point while her chest and torso followed suit, it mortified her to see her heroic physique contorting the way it was. It sounded disgusting and it felt disgusting, as her breasts slowly shrank away and receeded into her chest, her much larger upperbody losing some of the toned muscle that she was known for sporting on ocassion.
"Don't cry Mel, we can do this together...we can defeat him."
"Oh superheroic physique is leaving me and now it's being replaced with this...this is just horrible, this has got to be a nightmare, it just has to be. This can't be happening to me, it just can't."
"It can and it're becoming me and there is no turning back."
The koala-girl kicked and squirmed as she thought a series of positive thoughts, as a means to exorcise any of his thoughts out of her and to prevent him from influencing her mindset, also being thankful that she was wearing her transformation proof clothing but that Trump-monster knew a way around this, as the top half of her attire slowly changed in shape and form to become a Brioni business suit top. Her jeans seemed to also be straining a little but also roughly changing in shape, her legs broadened with a cracking sound while her feet enlarged and altered, her boots slowly turning into a pair of size 12 workshoes.
"You know if my superhero ex-boyfriend was here he would have thought of a way to not only fix this but also defeat you and kick your sorry orange behind back to where it came from. I know for certain that he wouldn't be tolerate this. And you can be certain that he would teach you a lesson."
"That's too bad...I would have loved to meet him."
Mel was determined not to surrender and not to give up, as she cried and sobbed numerous times while Eukie hugged her. Eukie's hugs were always theraputic for her, after all Eukie was a fellow koala-girl and the hugs soothed her and helped ease her pain, but nothing could ease her pain and sorrow. She looked down at her legs and then turned around, her tail was slowly shrinking away as her rear was inflating and growing bigger, losing its curves and becoming much larger than normal.
Her jeans slowly reformed themselves into the lower half of the suit, while her privates altered and contorted into the more masculine variant. Her back and shoulders slowly broadened as she grew from 5'8 to 6'2 in height, her body now roughly weighing 236lbs, it just felt alien to her, like it wasn't her own body.
"Mel...hold on, we can make it through this. We have faced worse threats before and suceeded. True, Trumpty is stronger than most monsters we have had battles with but it doesn't mean we can't defeat him. We're friends and always will be. Even if you are becoming like him, you'll always be my friend."
"You really mean that?"
"Yes..would I ever lie to you?"
Eukie continued to hug Mel, determined to help her overcome her mutation and determined to keep her as a friend no matter what. She sobbed a little but it was a good reason to cry, she feared losing the best friend she had ever since both of them were starting out - it was this fear that was the worst one of all. Mel groaned a couple of times as she moved her new body around, groaning as Trumpty's voice echoed in her head in attempts to condition her into liking the process.
She tossed, turned, groaned and grunted as her mutation got worse and worse - made even more terrifying by the fact that Trumpty's voice was trying to condition her into liking it, and she struggled to keep his influence at bay but it only progressed further. Her aura darkened, as dark supernatural power jolted through her body.
"Ugh....I mustn't let him do this. I mustn't let him try to take over my mind."
"Oh, but you like this...I like this."
"Trumpty, I won't let you do this to me. I'm a koala-girl and a superhero, i'm not going to let you influence my mind. You cannot control me, you cannot control me. You can't get away with this and you won't."
"Oh, but I already have."
She felt a grumbling sensation in her throat as her neckline altered, a crimson colored necktie slowly wrapped itself around her neck and extended down to her stomach. In addition to this, she began to dread what was going to help next. Holding Eukie by the hand, she sobbed and tried her best to keep calm, she touched her blubbery body and recoiled in disgust. As far as she knew, this was the worst. Or rather the second worst, the actual worst part was yet to come.
Her koala-like ears slowly shrank away in size while her hair shortened bit by bit as it turned from brown to blonde, the hair-style slicking itself back and combing itself into a familiar style as her forehead and brow changed as well, her eyebrows slowly bushing up and turning blondish while her face slowly turned the same peach-tan almost orangish color as the rest of her fur or 'skin', her eyes turned from brown to icy blue. Her rapidly darkening aura was starting to affect Eukie as well, making her afraid and mortified at the same time as she gripped onto her friends.
Eukie put her hand up to her friend's face and then screamed a little in horror as she saw Mel's nose altering and shifting along with her jawline, her mouth widening as her cheekbones sharpened, her head growing a bit in size as her femimine and adorable facial features morphed and contorted themselves, grizzlying up into those of the creature who was possessing her, which is to say...she looked more like Donald Trump more than her normal self.
"There there,'s going to be alright."
"No it's not, i'm not going to be able to fight crime again."
"I'm sure we'll find a way."
Mel grunted and groaned a few times as she tried to focus on her normal form, but any memories of her normal form seemed to be slipping from her mind as her voice deepened and gruffened, altering to match her appearance, making sound less and less like herself and more like Trump as she groaned and tried to keep the Trump-monster's thoughts from altering her mind. But Trumpty's influence was overtaking her.
"I must remember i'm a koala-girl and a superhero, not a Trump-monster."
"Oh? But you are...and you always will be."
"I'm a marsupial, not a Trump-monster."
"You're a Trump-monster, not a marsupial."
"No, no, no...noooo..."
"Oh yes, you are."
Eukie held onto her friend as she sobbed uncontrollably, she couldn't bear to see her like this and she found it extremely horrible to watch her mutate and transform and to be slowly be overtaken by the tangerine skinned creature known as Trumpty. But Mel's darkening aura made it impossible for her to hold on for long, as Mel's mind shifted further and further until she began to forget who she was and remember something else all-together, something about Trump, and monsters...and a species with a name that was a combination of the two, that species name being Monstrump - a combination of Trump and the word monster. She or rather he at this point began to remember being their leader and being that species himself, specifically that he was a Leader type Trump based monster that looked and sounded like Trump but as a monster.
The greenish-blue furred koala-girl held on for a few more seconds before eventually recoiling in disgust and letting go, watching as Mel became no more...and in the place of the koala-girl now stood a full bodied version of Trumpty himself. Trumpty looked at Eukie and chuckled, stretching as he felt the energy jolting through his body, he chuckled as he saw the koala-girl backing away.
"I know you're in there Mel, please don't hurt me.."
"Mel? Mel is no more. I am the only one here."
"What did you do to her?"
"I possessed her and now, she and I are one."
"You mean?"
"Yes...your friend is no more."
"Oh yes..."
"There has to be a way to bring you back."
"There isn't, I am Trumpty and always have been."
"No, no...noooooo!"
"And now there's nothing you can do."
Eukie cried several times before deciding on a new plan, she tried to find a spell or two to turn her transformed friend back but none of them seemed to work. She couldn't tell her friends back at HQ about this and she couldn't tell Nathan about this either, which worried her, there just had to be some way to figure this out. She wasn't giving in and she didn't want to give up either.
She decided to use the technology she had been given to send out a distress signal to all of her friends and fellow heroes, with the signal she could contact them and summon them over to work on a plan. Once said heroes arrived, she began to calm down and started thinking of ideas for what to do next, she didn't want to lose this fight and she vowed that she would do whatever it takes to solve the problem. She was determined not to give up and in addition to this, she knew that with more additional heroes to help her out - she wouldn't lose.
And thus with that Eukie and the other heroes began to work on their plans in secret, working on numerous methods to try and keep the Monstrumps from finding out and also making sure that none of Trumpty's minions were around or listening in. As for what happened later, she began to work on ways of executing her plans with the help of the other heroes. As for Trumpty, he was waiting to see if any other heroes would come by, he always had an admiration for heroes and he wanted quite a few of them to join him, of course he had to think of a plan of his own.
Remember this, my friends. We all have enemies and sometimes we have no choice but to join that enemy, after the old saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them, or in this case...become them.
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