TftW: Being Amalthea.
TftW: Being Amalthea. Lady Amalthea TG/MC NOTE: This is a TG of someone into Lady Amalthea from the Last Unicorn and it involves MC and hypnosis as well as supernatural/magical elements and it also has a message about fantasy and fairy tales and how you can never be too young or too old for them. Amalthea is one of the characters i've been wanting to do a TG of quite sometime as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ian was always a firm believer in fairy-tales and in fantasy in general but he always seemed to dislike how people said he was too old to believe in magic, which he wasn't. For there is no such thing as an age limit when it comes to fantasy and adventure stories in general, one is never too young or too old to get involved in the world of magic and mythical creatures. One night he was looking up fantasy movies online and came across a video tribute to one of his favorites, that movie being the Last Unicorn, based on the novel of th...