It's Machete Night
Machete Night
Machete Cortez (Machete/Machete Kills) TF/Full moon theme.
Nathan was a shapeshifter of many forms and sometimes like with most werecreatures, he'd change at full moon nights which was every 28 days and each time it was into a different creature or person, he had even been TGed several times. Sometimes this change was brought on by a movie or show he was watching at the time.
Like for example becoming a were-shark after watching Jaws, a gremlin-like creature after watching Gremlins and Gremlins II, a were-panda after watching Kung Fu Panda, a sultry female Fuchsbau after watching a marathon of Grimm, a gargoyle after watching episodes of Gargoyles, a minotaur after watching documentaries on Greek mythology, an anthro koala after watching the documentary Koala King and so on.
One night he had gotten the urge to watch Machete and Machete Kills back to back, he didn't know why but he just did. In fact, he couldn't exactly remember when it happened, but all he knew was - that there was something inside him that told him he'd really love those movies.
He wasn't a psychopath or anything but he did have a bit of a bloodthirsty streak, and truth be told he didn't mind blood and gore, while real life gore such as what you find on shock sites grossed him out and made him throw up - in the movies, it was perfectly fine and he didn't mind it at all.
His bloodthirsty streak had been triggered practically all week with a marathon of vampire movies, which in turn made him become a vampiric being himself previously, but now he felt his bloodlust was growing stronger. This time when it started to kick in, he was with a friend of his - that friend was Jack - a mischievous prankster who loved monster movies and blood and gore in general.
But it wasn't until half-way through the second half of the first Machete film, where he got heavily enamored by the kills and blood that he started to feel his bloodlust increasing even more. It made him want more of it, and even more so it - it began to alter the way he was thinking.
"So...watching Machete, huh? I didn't know you were a Danny Trejo fan!"
"Neither did I...but apparently for some reason I just had the urge to watch these movies.. and here I am, watching them with you. I can't explain it! It just happened like that!"
"That is strange but awesome!"
"Well...there is something about me you don't know yet."
"What's that?"
"Well...I have a bit of a bloodthirsty streak!"
"Me too! Mine started when I became interested in vampires.."
"Yeah...i've always wanted to be a vampire."
"You know Jack, I think you and I have a lot in common."
"Yeah! We both love monsters and we both love blood and gore!"
"Not to mention we both hate CGI being used in modern horror movies."
"And we both idolize Tom Savini!"
"Yep, we are so alike in many ways."
"Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be in a movie like that?"
"I do, I think it would be awesome...don't you?"
"Oh, I agree - absolutely."
As he continued watching the second half of Machete, he began to feel slightly uneasy as the full moon slowly peered out from behind the cloud. He started to grunt and pant several times as his bloodlust increased. Jack reacted slightly to this and he started to get curious. Was this some kind of sign?
He didn't know Nathan's secret in its entirety but what he did know was indeed pretty mindblowing, especially seeing as he was one of the few humans in town who was unaware that they were monsters living in it, after all - while Nathan was out on most of his adventures - he was asleep, dreaming of being a vampire.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah...i'm fine...why do you ask?"
"You seem a little more...on edge, than you usually do."
"I.....i...i'm fine really."
"You know, i'm here for you pal. You're my best friend and I would hate it if something bad were to happen to you. You know, you can always call on me, email me, text know, let me know if there's anything I can do for you."
"Machete don't text!" He suddenly growled out, a low growl escaping from his throat as his voice deepened a little, which alerted Jack.
"Nathan? Are you talking like Machete now? And what happened to your voice? It sounds deeper! How are you doing that?"
"Me? Talking like him? No, never. Where did you get that idea? I don't talk like that at all. You must be crazy! I don't talk like Machete, only Machete can talk like that and make it cool, trust me. But...I assure you, I am not like him in the least."
"'re starting to sound a bit like him. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah...i'm fine...really."
Nathan nodded slightly before breaking out of his bloodlust induced state, he didn't know what exactly was going on - one minute he was talking to Jack, the next - his voice had gotten a tad deeper and he was referring to himself as Machete. He figured it had something to do with the full moon like always and that he was going to transform again, and this time he knew what was going to happen.
Looking at his spider web themed black dress shirt, he could feel it getting tighter on his body - as slowly but surely his torso and chest started to expand and gain muscle mass, buttons slowly but surely pinged off it one by one as multiple tears formed on the back and sides.
"'re growing muscle! That shirt is getting pretty tight on you..."
He grunted and panted heavily as his shirt continued to slow tear and rip apart due to his increasing bulk, there was a loud ripping shirt as his shirt ripped apart to reveal his bulking build as pecs and abs formed, his skintone starting from the upper-section onward slowly becoming a rough, grizzled Hispanic looking skintone that was rough-looking and scarred, as if he had been injured in battle.
Even more startling was the addition of various tattoos manifesting themselves on his chest and torso, including one in particular which was one of a woman wearing a sombrero, but was more surprising was that his arms were now gaining muscle mass as well. His regular 'monster gloves' slowly peeling off as his hands enlarged. Spiked bracers formed around his wrists, while fingerless gloves replaced the monster gloves from before, rings appearing on some of his fingers.
His ripped black dress shirt reformed itself into a vest that was brownish in color with several knives stuck to the front, back and inside as his back gained muscle mass, he looked down at his legs just in time to see them gain a bit of muscle like his arms. His dark blue jeans losing their regular color and turning dark brown as a belt that was also brownish in color snaked around his waist.
He panted and grunted some more as the changes continued, his normal evening shoes hardening and reforming into a pair of Western style combat boots - he remained roughly the same 5'7 height as always, but his legs and arms had finished developing muscle mass and he was getting a lot stronger.
"'re huge! Oh, and I think I recognize that tattoo...are you?"
He staggered back a little and leaned against a wall as power, bloodlust and strength slowly built up inside - his shoulders thickened as they gained muscle, in the process his neck also thickened a little bit. His normally straight brown hair extended and grew even longer until it was about shoulder length as it began to darken - first turning a darker shade of brown, then developing black highlights and then blackening completely.
A necklace of sorts materialized around his neck as his brow thickened a little to become more pronounced, his eyebrows thinning a little and turning the same color as his hair, in the process his eye color darkened as his eyes narrowed, his eyebrows arching to give him a more menacing look.
His nose enlarged slightly as he touched his face, he could feel it shifting and altering, morphing and reshaping, harshening and becoming gruffer and more dangerous look as he became a bit more rugged looking as indicated by the appearance of a slightly visible handle-bar mustached appearing above his lips. His facial expression contorting itself into a piercing snarl as his facial features continued morphing until...he looked more like Danny Trejo than himself.
"Are you?"
"I can explain..."
"This is amazing, totally have to tell me how to do that."
"I'm not revealing anything to you."
He grunted several more times as his face finished morphing - now in terms of his physical appearance he looked a LOT like Danny Trejo, specifically a certain knife-named anti-hero character of his. It didn't take him long to figure out who he was turning into, in fact he could immediately tell who he was turning into.
" look just like Danny Trejo! And you have all those knives!"
"'re do you do that?"
He was about to respond one more time but he started coughing several times due to a sensation that was building up in his throat, his voice was starting to get deeper and gruffer in tone, becoming a bit rougher in the process, gruffening and altering until it matched his appearance.
"Oh my god! You sound like him too! How the hell are you doing that?"
"Uhhh...Mache-I mean I...doesn't reveal his secrets."
"There you go again, you're talking like him. You talk just like Machete! do you do that?"
"I...I....I...Machete...oops, I mean I don't tell."
The last part of his transformation completed as a new personality and instincts took over him, making him more aggressive and badass in nature - he picked up the dvd case for the first Machete movie...and it was then that he realized who he had turned into this time, he wasn't Nathan anymore - in fact he remembered that his name was Isador 'Machete' Cortez, of course he knew that he had his legal first name changed to Machete after his mother started calling him that due to his reputation as a badass.
Yes, Machete - that was a name he was definitely proud of and one well earned, and he knew damn well that out of all the heroes out there - he was one of a kind, he was the ultimate anti-hero. An anti-hero who spoke fluent English and Spanish, and was really skilled at using weapons - especially knives, and firearms.
"Oh my god! You''re...Machete!"
"Yes...I am."
"You have got to tell me how you do that! I mean you morphing into him like!"
"It's complicated, you see I am a shapeshifter whose transformations are akin to a werecreature at times - which is to say they happen at full moon.. like with werecreature transformations."
" just so happens that the changes are always different, I become a different creature or person each time - it all depends on what movie or show i'm watching or what i'm doing or looking up on the internet at the time of the moon rise."
"So...tonight...we were watching Machete and have turned into him?"
"So you've turned completely into Machete?"
"I wish I had your shapeshifting powers! Those sound awesome!"
"I know...I love having them myself."
"Can you tell me how to do that?"
"Sorry, Machete don't tell. "
"That is so something Machete himself would say."
"Man, this is the third time i've had a Danny Trejo based transformation happen to me and this is also the second time i've become Machete...and yet i'm still not used to talking like him!"
"Aaaw come on, you're a dead ringer for the real Machete! You should morph into him more often, that way I could brag to my other friends that I am best friends with Machete Cortez!"
"This is just a temporary thing, I usually just morph back to being my normal self in the morning after."
"Well about we make the most of it?"
"What are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking you could hang out with me as Machete for the night!"
"Hmmm...go on..."
"And we could watch Machete Kills together.."
"I like where this is going..."
"And you can tell me all about your monsters that you do bios for..."
"Now you're speaking my language, let's go!"
And so the newly transformed Machete sat down with Jack to watch the last half of the first Machete movie followed by Machete Kills, afterwards the two talked of monsters and of the adventures that had happened in town over the past few weeks.
Jack was finally getting clued in on the supernatural world and about what exactly did go on at night while most of the population was asleep, and he learned a thing or two about shapeshifting and the luna cycle as well.
When the Machete double-feature was over, Jack and Machete both got up and high-fived eachother before Jack turned to him with a sly grin on his face. He had an idea up his sleeve.
"Hey, Machete!"
"I have an idea."
"Next time we have one of these full moon movie nights...can we watch the 1996 cult classic From Dusk Till Dawn? Because I know it's one of your favorites!"
" know i've always wanted to be a vampire, right?"
"I'm thinking that one of us could become one of the vampires from that you could be Razor Charlie.."
"And you could be Sex Machine!"
"Tom Savini's character? Awesome! We could both be vampires!"
"Well, in order for you to become a vampire, I would have to turn into Razor Charlie - then bite you while you are Sex Machine."
"I'm okay with that!"
"Really? Then it's settled - for our next Full Moon movie night - it's off to the Titty Twister!"
"Awesome! Thanks man, you're the best!"
"No problem".
With that Jack gave Machete a brohug before turning to face him one more time, Jack then retrieved his hooded Dracula inspired jacket and bat-mask before heading out the door and saying goodbye to him.
The newly transformed Machete spent the rest of the night being his badass self and stayed that way for a long time, of course once morning came around it was time for him to revert to being Nathan, but this time - he decided to stay as Machete and lurk in the shadowy corners of his monster den.
After all - what could be better than being Machete? Absolutely nothing. And I think you would all agree with me on that no matter what, you just can't beat Machete, that's what I always say.
Machete Cortez (Machete/Machete Kills) TF/Full moon theme.
Nathan was a shapeshifter of many forms and sometimes like with most werecreatures, he'd change at full moon nights which was every 28 days and each time it was into a different creature or person, he had even been TGed several times. Sometimes this change was brought on by a movie or show he was watching at the time.
Like for example becoming a were-shark after watching Jaws, a gremlin-like creature after watching Gremlins and Gremlins II, a were-panda after watching Kung Fu Panda, a sultry female Fuchsbau after watching a marathon of Grimm, a gargoyle after watching episodes of Gargoyles, a minotaur after watching documentaries on Greek mythology, an anthro koala after watching the documentary Koala King and so on.
One night he had gotten the urge to watch Machete and Machete Kills back to back, he didn't know why but he just did. In fact, he couldn't exactly remember when it happened, but all he knew was - that there was something inside him that told him he'd really love those movies.
He wasn't a psychopath or anything but he did have a bit of a bloodthirsty streak, and truth be told he didn't mind blood and gore, while real life gore such as what you find on shock sites grossed him out and made him throw up - in the movies, it was perfectly fine and he didn't mind it at all.
His bloodthirsty streak had been triggered practically all week with a marathon of vampire movies, which in turn made him become a vampiric being himself previously, but now he felt his bloodlust was growing stronger. This time when it started to kick in, he was with a friend of his - that friend was Jack - a mischievous prankster who loved monster movies and blood and gore in general.
But it wasn't until half-way through the second half of the first Machete film, where he got heavily enamored by the kills and blood that he started to feel his bloodlust increasing even more. It made him want more of it, and even more so it - it began to alter the way he was thinking.
"So...watching Machete, huh? I didn't know you were a Danny Trejo fan!"
"Neither did I...but apparently for some reason I just had the urge to watch these movies.. and here I am, watching them with you. I can't explain it! It just happened like that!"
"That is strange but awesome!"
"Well...there is something about me you don't know yet."
"What's that?"
"Well...I have a bit of a bloodthirsty streak!"
"Me too! Mine started when I became interested in vampires.."
"Yeah...i've always wanted to be a vampire."
"You know Jack, I think you and I have a lot in common."
"Yeah! We both love monsters and we both love blood and gore!"
"Not to mention we both hate CGI being used in modern horror movies."
"And we both idolize Tom Savini!"
"Yep, we are so alike in many ways."
"Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be in a movie like that?"
"I do, I think it would be awesome...don't you?"
"Oh, I agree - absolutely."
As he continued watching the second half of Machete, he began to feel slightly uneasy as the full moon slowly peered out from behind the cloud. He started to grunt and pant several times as his bloodlust increased. Jack reacted slightly to this and he started to get curious. Was this some kind of sign?
He didn't know Nathan's secret in its entirety but what he did know was indeed pretty mindblowing, especially seeing as he was one of the few humans in town who was unaware that they were monsters living in it, after all - while Nathan was out on most of his adventures - he was asleep, dreaming of being a vampire.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah...i'm fine...why do you ask?"
"You seem a little more...on edge, than you usually do."
"I.....i...i'm fine really."
"You know, i'm here for you pal. You're my best friend and I would hate it if something bad were to happen to you. You know, you can always call on me, email me, text know, let me know if there's anything I can do for you."
"Machete don't text!" He suddenly growled out, a low growl escaping from his throat as his voice deepened a little, which alerted Jack.
"Nathan? Are you talking like Machete now? And what happened to your voice? It sounds deeper! How are you doing that?"
"Me? Talking like him? No, never. Where did you get that idea? I don't talk like that at all. You must be crazy! I don't talk like Machete, only Machete can talk like that and make it cool, trust me. But...I assure you, I am not like him in the least."
"'re starting to sound a bit like him. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah...i'm fine...really."
Nathan nodded slightly before breaking out of his bloodlust induced state, he didn't know what exactly was going on - one minute he was talking to Jack, the next - his voice had gotten a tad deeper and he was referring to himself as Machete. He figured it had something to do with the full moon like always and that he was going to transform again, and this time he knew what was going to happen.
Looking at his spider web themed black dress shirt, he could feel it getting tighter on his body - as slowly but surely his torso and chest started to expand and gain muscle mass, buttons slowly but surely pinged off it one by one as multiple tears formed on the back and sides.
"'re growing muscle! That shirt is getting pretty tight on you..."
He grunted and panted heavily as his shirt continued to slow tear and rip apart due to his increasing bulk, there was a loud ripping shirt as his shirt ripped apart to reveal his bulking build as pecs and abs formed, his skintone starting from the upper-section onward slowly becoming a rough, grizzled Hispanic looking skintone that was rough-looking and scarred, as if he had been injured in battle.
Even more startling was the addition of various tattoos manifesting themselves on his chest and torso, including one in particular which was one of a woman wearing a sombrero, but was more surprising was that his arms were now gaining muscle mass as well. His regular 'monster gloves' slowly peeling off as his hands enlarged. Spiked bracers formed around his wrists, while fingerless gloves replaced the monster gloves from before, rings appearing on some of his fingers.
His ripped black dress shirt reformed itself into a vest that was brownish in color with several knives stuck to the front, back and inside as his back gained muscle mass, he looked down at his legs just in time to see them gain a bit of muscle like his arms. His dark blue jeans losing their regular color and turning dark brown as a belt that was also brownish in color snaked around his waist.
He panted and grunted some more as the changes continued, his normal evening shoes hardening and reforming into a pair of Western style combat boots - he remained roughly the same 5'7 height as always, but his legs and arms had finished developing muscle mass and he was getting a lot stronger.
"'re huge! Oh, and I think I recognize that tattoo...are you?"
He staggered back a little and leaned against a wall as power, bloodlust and strength slowly built up inside - his shoulders thickened as they gained muscle, in the process his neck also thickened a little bit. His normally straight brown hair extended and grew even longer until it was about shoulder length as it began to darken - first turning a darker shade of brown, then developing black highlights and then blackening completely.
A necklace of sorts materialized around his neck as his brow thickened a little to become more pronounced, his eyebrows thinning a little and turning the same color as his hair, in the process his eye color darkened as his eyes narrowed, his eyebrows arching to give him a more menacing look.
His nose enlarged slightly as he touched his face, he could feel it shifting and altering, morphing and reshaping, harshening and becoming gruffer and more dangerous look as he became a bit more rugged looking as indicated by the appearance of a slightly visible handle-bar mustached appearing above his lips. His facial expression contorting itself into a piercing snarl as his facial features continued morphing until...he looked more like Danny Trejo than himself.
"Are you?"
"I can explain..."
"This is amazing, totally have to tell me how to do that."
"I'm not revealing anything to you."
He grunted several more times as his face finished morphing - now in terms of his physical appearance he looked a LOT like Danny Trejo, specifically a certain knife-named anti-hero character of his. It didn't take him long to figure out who he was turning into, in fact he could immediately tell who he was turning into.
" look just like Danny Trejo! And you have all those knives!"
"'re do you do that?"
He was about to respond one more time but he started coughing several times due to a sensation that was building up in his throat, his voice was starting to get deeper and gruffer in tone, becoming a bit rougher in the process, gruffening and altering until it matched his appearance.
"Oh my god! You sound like him too! How the hell are you doing that?"
"Uhhh...Mache-I mean I...doesn't reveal his secrets."
"There you go again, you're talking like him. You talk just like Machete! do you do that?"
"I...I....I...Machete...oops, I mean I don't tell."
The last part of his transformation completed as a new personality and instincts took over him, making him more aggressive and badass in nature - he picked up the dvd case for the first Machete movie...and it was then that he realized who he had turned into this time, he wasn't Nathan anymore - in fact he remembered that his name was Isador 'Machete' Cortez, of course he knew that he had his legal first name changed to Machete after his mother started calling him that due to his reputation as a badass.
Yes, Machete - that was a name he was definitely proud of and one well earned, and he knew damn well that out of all the heroes out there - he was one of a kind, he was the ultimate anti-hero. An anti-hero who spoke fluent English and Spanish, and was really skilled at using weapons - especially knives, and firearms.
"Oh my god! You''re...Machete!"
"Yes...I am."
"You have got to tell me how you do that! I mean you morphing into him like!"
"It's complicated, you see I am a shapeshifter whose transformations are akin to a werecreature at times - which is to say they happen at full moon.. like with werecreature transformations."
" just so happens that the changes are always different, I become a different creature or person each time - it all depends on what movie or show i'm watching or what i'm doing or looking up on the internet at the time of the moon rise."
"So...tonight...we were watching Machete and have turned into him?"
"So you've turned completely into Machete?"
"I wish I had your shapeshifting powers! Those sound awesome!"
"I know...I love having them myself."
"Can you tell me how to do that?"
"Sorry, Machete don't tell. "
"That is so something Machete himself would say."
"Man, this is the third time i've had a Danny Trejo based transformation happen to me and this is also the second time i've become Machete...and yet i'm still not used to talking like him!"
"Aaaw come on, you're a dead ringer for the real Machete! You should morph into him more often, that way I could brag to my other friends that I am best friends with Machete Cortez!"
"This is just a temporary thing, I usually just morph back to being my normal self in the morning after."
"Well about we make the most of it?"
"What are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking you could hang out with me as Machete for the night!"
"Hmmm...go on..."
"And we could watch Machete Kills together.."
"I like where this is going..."
"And you can tell me all about your monsters that you do bios for..."
"Now you're speaking my language, let's go!"
And so the newly transformed Machete sat down with Jack to watch the last half of the first Machete movie followed by Machete Kills, afterwards the two talked of monsters and of the adventures that had happened in town over the past few weeks.
Jack was finally getting clued in on the supernatural world and about what exactly did go on at night while most of the population was asleep, and he learned a thing or two about shapeshifting and the luna cycle as well.
When the Machete double-feature was over, Jack and Machete both got up and high-fived eachother before Jack turned to him with a sly grin on his face. He had an idea up his sleeve.
"Hey, Machete!"
"I have an idea."
"Next time we have one of these full moon movie nights...can we watch the 1996 cult classic From Dusk Till Dawn? Because I know it's one of your favorites!"
" know i've always wanted to be a vampire, right?"
"I'm thinking that one of us could become one of the vampires from that you could be Razor Charlie.."
"And you could be Sex Machine!"
"Tom Savini's character? Awesome! We could both be vampires!"
"Well, in order for you to become a vampire, I would have to turn into Razor Charlie - then bite you while you are Sex Machine."
"I'm okay with that!"
"Really? Then it's settled - for our next Full Moon movie night - it's off to the Titty Twister!"
"Awesome! Thanks man, you're the best!"
"No problem".
With that Jack gave Machete a brohug before turning to face him one more time, Jack then retrieved his hooded Dracula inspired jacket and bat-mask before heading out the door and saying goodbye to him.
The newly transformed Machete spent the rest of the night being his badass self and stayed that way for a long time, of course once morning came around it was time for him to revert to being Nathan, but this time - he decided to stay as Machete and lurk in the shadowy corners of his monster den.
After all - what could be better than being Machete? Absolutely nothing. And I think you would all agree with me on that no matter what, you just can't beat Machete, that's what I always say.
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