Werebelushi rants: Biggest WTF Ever

(We see a male Werebelushi who looks and sounds like John Belushi,  he is sitting at a table and he has a mug of beer in his hand)

Well...here we are again….at another Werebelushi rant.  I’m That Werebelushi In The Shades and it looks like another idiotic comment has manifested itself. 

Oh boy...I thought I made myself clear when I said that I want people to STOP talking shit about Nathan!   But apparently -  some people are so thick headed they don’t get it.   They think that just because they’re on the internet -   means that they are allowed to act like idiots and jerk-assess all the time and not care about the feelings of others.

Look!  Just because you’re on the internet doesn’t give you the right to say shit about others that isn’t true.    That’s NOT how free speech works.  True it gives you the right to have opinions and what not -  but even IRL slander and hate speech in general are frowned upon. 

And anything of the threatening nature like death threats directed at other people are also frowned upon and not only that but they are ILLEGAL as well.   You’re basically trying to get yourself arrested here.

I’ve read some of those comments and let me tell you….I had to get pretty damn drunk in order to cope up with the fucked up activity that’s going on.

First of all….what in the world makes you think that Nathan wears a diaper?  Oh...you’re playing on the whole “he’s a manchild” thing as a punchline,  aren’t you?  Of course you are.  

Does it ever occur to you that NOT all adults who are child-like or childish in nature be they autistic or NOT are like Chris-Chan or whatever-the-fuck-is-worse-than-him?   If it hasn’t...then look it up for pete’s sake!

Also….ONLY BABIES wear diapers.   Nathan wears briefs and jeans and nothing more than that!  If you are referring to adult diapers...ONLY PEOPLE WHO ARE ELDERLY OR CAN’T TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES WEAR THOSE!

Unless you’re one of those people with a diaper fetish.   I still don’t understand why some people are turned on by that.   I mean...I don’t see anything sexually appealing about dressing up like Big Baby Herman from Who Framed Roger Rabbit at all.    It’s just kind of weird to me.

Next...oh god...you’re bringing up doll-rape again?  And this time it’s directed towards the Little Andria doll?     Look...Nathan does NOT use her for anything sexual,  she is just a toy -  that he loves and cuddles up with -   it is NOT a fucking blow-up doll.

Second….really?  You’re making up a phony sob-story about her claiming that she was supposed to go to a house belonging to another little girl for the purposes of doing STEREOTYPICAL girl things but instead wound-up suffering after being sent to Nathan’s house? 

You think that Little Andria was supposed to go to one  of those annoying stereotypical girly girls that like tea parties,   dresses,  fawning over boy-bands,  Justin Bieber,   One Direction,  and worship types like Miley Cyrus?    Wow….that is just so sexist!   

The way you describe that is not only sexist but also it’s basically EXACTLY like the atrocious G1-G3 Eras of MLP,  as in the ‘Made Exclusively Just For Making Toys For Young Girls’  era of MLP.

Which is also the very era that Lauren Faust shows great destain for and which is also the reason WHY she made MLP:  Friendship Is Magic.

Way to be a sexist pig,  you prick!  Look...just because Lil Andria is a doll doesn’t mean she would be made for girls only.     Because she is a TY toy and TY toys cater to ALL age groups of both genders.

Also...why do you think he would rant to rape her?   She’s way too damn small for him to even consider doing something like that!   And furthermore...he would not actually consider THAT anyway.

The doll in general has been the same since the day she arrived,  she has NOT been dirtied or had anything done to her at all apart from a few cuddles.   Seriously,  let it go!

And do me a favor… KEEP YOUR MORBID THOUGHTS ABOUT HIM IN YOUR HEAD WHERE THEY BELONG!   Nobody wants to hear them yet alone READ THEM!

Honestly...how can people like this bozo still be allowed online?  If anything they should be in a mental institution and treated to multiple rounds of shock therapy!

And yet he/she/it thinks that making Nathan look bad is a way to make themselves feel better?   That is just pathetic!

Look...I don’t want to have to say this again...BUT JUST END IT ALREADY!

I’m That Werebelushi In The Shades and this has been my rant on the most disgusting comment i’ve ever read.   Now if you excuse me i’m going to take a mud bath to cleanse myself of all this gross and stupidity.


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