A Nightmare To Remember
A Nightmare To Remember Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon TF ------------------------------- There are many mysteries surrounding the moon, and quite a lot of stories to tell about it. Some say that the moon brings out the worst in people and makes them act all berserk and crazy. This is where the luna in the word lunatic comes from. And this is why people say that the moon can change you mentally or physically. But this was a slightly different kind of change, one night Eliza Ravenclaw was wondering through the townsquare at night on the way to find Nathan. The place she thought to look was his house, so she rushed over and opened the doors and started looking around. When she got there she found he wasn't there, all she found was a note that said: “Gone to enslave everyone. Love ‘Sombra’.” “Sombra? As in King Sombra? Nah..it can’t be.” She looked out the window for a few minutes, as she did - ...