
Showing posts from July, 2013

A Nightmare To Remember

A Nightmare To Remember Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon TF ------------------------------- There are many mysteries surrounding the moon,  and quite a lot of stories to tell about it.   Some say that the moon brings out the worst in people and makes them act all berserk and crazy. This is where the luna in the word lunatic comes from.     And this is why people say that the moon can change you mentally or physically. But this was a slightly different kind of change,   one night Eliza Ravenclaw was wondering through the townsquare at night on the way to find Nathan. The place she thought to look was his house,  so she rushed over and opened the doors and started looking around. When she got there she found he wasn't there,   all she found was a note that said: “Gone to enslave everyone.   Love ‘Sombra’.” “Sombra?   As in King Sombra? can’t be.” She looked out the window for a few minutes,   as she did - ...

Crystaline Corruption

Crystaline Corruption King Sombra TF ------------------------------- Nathan Forester had now joined forces with Jon -  Eliza's friend and become evil,  this was due to his conditioning. He was looking around in his bedroom one night when he came across a glistening gem-stone,  it was made out of a chystaline substance and gave off a glow -  the glow hypnotized him and made him want to touch it. "" As he touched the crystals he began to feel a surge of dark magical energy flowing through his body. In fact this caused his shadow to start to move on its own,   the whole room started going dark except for him and the crystal which was glowing. He ran his finger over the edge of the crystal,  as he did he felt the supernatural energy flowing through him. "Oooooo....feels...good...." While this was happening,   the skin on his arms was slowly turning a dark greyish colour as silver armour plating ...


Chris: Hello there name is Christopher but you may call me Chris,  I am an alpha Walken.   My job is to hunt down potential victims and bring them to my master so that I may hypnotize them and Walkenize them until they are ready to join my growing army of Walkens. I used to be a human and at the time I was assuming the typical human name of ‘Nathan’,  that was until I invented the Walken Hypnosis program -   a special program that can be used to bring out your inner Walken. It’s easy to use...all you have to do is download it from ,  and click on the downloads section -   download the WalkenHypnosisFullVersion.avi file and install it on your computer. It can be used on both Windows and Macs.   When you have installed the program...follow these simple instructions. Where to Download: To get a copy of the full file go to, you go to downloads, then go to video files - there you will find a copy of W...