Things I Hate
1. Trolls.
2. Bullies.
3. People who question my work. (Especially if they call my were-creatures stupid or don't get the joke. Urrgh.)
4. People on message boards who act like idiots. (Especially on sites like IMDB).
5. When my computer acts up for no reason. (Urgh. It really irritates me.)
6. People who pretend to be my friends but stab me in the back later.
7. People who think i'm racist. (Look just because I said I didn't like the whole voodoo scene in Blues Brothers 2000 does NOT make me racist. I said I didn't like that scene because it's a Big Lipped Aligator Moment, that's all.)
8. Being accused of being gay/lesbian/whatever. (Look. The majority of my fellow friends on DA happen to male or female and are straight, Blackbluedawg being the only exception because his monster persona is gay. But please, enough with the accusations of me being gay/lesbian/whatever - i'm bi, okay. I can go either way.)
9. Being only refered to as the "werejohncandy" guy. (It's the online version of typecasting. I've done OTHER things besides the were-stuff you know.)
10. Troll based websites/forums. (I can't stand sites that either are troll related or are there just for the sake of trolling).
11. Fat Jokes. (Fat Guy stereotypes aren't funny.)
12. Sex Jokes and Lazy Humour. (Something the majority of trolls these days seem to be doing repetitively).
13. Jokes about death. (Death is NOT humourous in real life. There are no jokes to be made out of someone's death. It's seriously tragic.)
14. People who claim my idols are untalented/washed up. (Either these guys are idiots or are just too young to appreciate the genius of John Candy and so on, but I personally think they need to lay off.)
15. Losing at video games. (It's really really irritating when I lose at a video game i'm playing.)
16. People who keep telling me i'm too old to be watching kids shows. (I have only two words for those idiots out there....truck you!)
17. People who attack my friends OL. (This includes trolls. If you get in the way of ANY of my friends or do anything to hurt them, harrass them or treat them like crap - rest assured that you will be in serious trouble for it - I can gurantee it).
18. People who think that "free speech" means the right to bully and insult people all they like. (I'm not entirely sure how this free speech thing works, but I don't think that it means the right to talk all kinds of bad insulting crap about people be they alive or dead.)
19. The illuminati and the assholes who believe in it. (I'm sorry but I just don't believe such an organisation exists. It confuses me. They say we're being brainwashed by them, but then they claim that we're apart of them. Are we supposed to be on their side or against them? Are they good or evil? Why am I putting logic into something this stupid? Look...whether or not this so called "organisation" really exists is up to you, if you do believe it's true and have facts or whatever to back it up....then good for you, but please stop trying to get other people to believe it.)
20. People who hate on the Werebelushi Rants segments. (Look. That Werebelushi In The Shades is a CHARACTER not a real person, so stop hating on him. He's meant to be like Linkara with a bit of the Nostalgia Critic and Ben T. Looney thrown in. He's not a real person at all. And no...we're not the same guy!)
21. Ben The Looney's Haters. (Man these guys make the entirety of a certain bad drama themed wiki look intelligent by comparison. These guys hate on Ben for the stupidest reasons. Either because they don't agree with him, or think he's some kind of pervert or "nostalgiatard". The former is because of a video he did about animated did realize that was a joke, right? Also the majority of them tend to think he's biased. Hey, he says he likes a few modern shows and cartoons - he's not all about 90's shows. I mean he mentions that he likes Tuff Puppy, Hi Hi Puffy Ami-Yumi, MLP: Friendship Is Magic, Gravity Falls and Phineas and Ferb. Oh...and lay off, enough with the dumb commentaries already.)
22. Rumors. (Especially celebrity death rumours. Just...why? If a celebrity is still alive and well - then why make up these stupid rumours in the first place? I've seen this on youtube as well. For god's sake, Jack Black is NOT dead. Rowan Atkinson isn't dead either. Neither is Jeff Goldblum. And Christopher Walken isn't dead either - but whoever the moron responsible for making that one up WILL BE though.)
23. Articles about my favorite celebrities that don't do them justice. (This goes for tabloid junkies and a certain bad drama related wiki knockoff. Whenever I want to look up a celebrity I like, I go and look at articles about them. But unfortunately not that many of them do them justice. In the case of the latter there are two articles that do of which being the article on Michael Jackson. guys do realize that Michael was NOT a pedophile, right? In fact he was innocent. The second article was on Christopher Walken. First of all...the assumption that the majority of Walken fans happen to be "Goth" or "Emo" is completely false. Walken is for everyone, no matter what race, species or orientation. Second, the "More Cowbell" meme is NOT overrused, in fact it's one of the memes I actually enjoy. can never have enough cowbell, or enough Walken for that matter. Thirdly - leave the fans of the Hessian alone, please! Also when I think "same stonefaced expression" I don't think of Walken at all - I think of Tom Hanks! I know this article is not supposed to be taken seriously, but you're lucky that Walken doesn't use a computer - because if he did, I would give him all your email addresses so that he could hunt you down and slice you apart like a Thanksgiving turkey!)
24. People who believe in the Reptilian theory. (I used to actually like David Icke until he turned into a nutjob obsessed with the so called truth. And the same goes for crappy youtube videos. They're NOT shapeshifters you imbecile, they're just blinking.)
25. The stupid End-of-the-world theory. (I know it's December right now and everything but the world is not going to's simple as that. No matter how much you try to enforce this on people, it's not going to happen.)
26. Being stereotyped. (Another stereotype that I hate is constantly being called a basement dweller, oh you know - that old stereotype of an overweight 20/30/40 something living in his/her parent's basement, doesn't bathe and all that crap? I TRUCKING HATE IT! Look...I bathe and shower regularly, my house does NOT have a basement. And I do NOT smell bad. I just have natural body odor...which is something EVERYONE has! And besides...I call bullspit on the fact that you think you can smell me online...ummm...helloooo...Smell-O-Vision is just a gimmick used for 3D movies, it doesn't exist on the internet or in real life. So stop stereotyping me like this.)
Fetishes And Other Things That Squick Me Out:
1. Diaper Fetishes. (What kind of idiot would be turned on by that kind of sick disgusting display of putridness?)
2. Bodily Function Fetishes. (Loan-Skunk not withstanding).
3. Loli. (Just why?)
4. Toddlercon. (Ugh.)
5. Food Fetishes. (Yes. This exists.)
6. Rule34. (Eeeew. Whoever came up with this concept is a sick bastard and deserves to be beaten.)
7. Shock Sites. (This applies to a certain wiki knockoff which I shall not mention. I'm serious, one page with a rather misleading title about felines leads to nothing but a grotesque display of pornographic and gorey imagery - I almost lost my lunch.)
8. Screamers. (There's this one Screamer I encountered Find The Ghost of Elvis, where you're supposed to find Elvis's ghost by listening to his voice - and when you do try and find him - this really horrifying image of a vampire/demon appears on screen.)
9. Botflies. (Reading the TVTropes article on Body Horror is never a good idea and I get extremely paranoid that these guys might be around even though I know botflies don't live in New Zealand.)
10. Russell Brand. (Ummm....I have no idea why some people seem to enjoy his comedy so much. It's not normal if you ask me. It's just plain strange. He confuses the hell out of me. He's good in some things but other times...meh, i don't know what to think.)
2. Bullies.
3. People who question my work. (Especially if they call my were-creatures stupid or don't get the joke. Urrgh.)
4. People on message boards who act like idiots. (Especially on sites like IMDB).
5. When my computer acts up for no reason. (Urgh. It really irritates me.)
6. People who pretend to be my friends but stab me in the back later.
7. People who think i'm racist. (Look just because I said I didn't like the whole voodoo scene in Blues Brothers 2000 does NOT make me racist. I said I didn't like that scene because it's a Big Lipped Aligator Moment, that's all.)
8. Being accused of being gay/lesbian/whatever. (Look. The majority of my fellow friends on DA happen to male or female and are straight, Blackbluedawg being the only exception because his monster persona is gay. But please, enough with the accusations of me being gay/lesbian/whatever - i'm bi, okay. I can go either way.)
9. Being only refered to as the "werejohncandy" guy. (It's the online version of typecasting. I've done OTHER things besides the were-stuff you know.)
10. Troll based websites/forums. (I can't stand sites that either are troll related or are there just for the sake of trolling).
11. Fat Jokes. (Fat Guy stereotypes aren't funny.)
12. Sex Jokes and Lazy Humour. (Something the majority of trolls these days seem to be doing repetitively).
13. Jokes about death. (Death is NOT humourous in real life. There are no jokes to be made out of someone's death. It's seriously tragic.)
14. People who claim my idols are untalented/washed up. (Either these guys are idiots or are just too young to appreciate the genius of John Candy and so on, but I personally think they need to lay off.)
15. Losing at video games. (It's really really irritating when I lose at a video game i'm playing.)
16. People who keep telling me i'm too old to be watching kids shows. (I have only two words for those idiots out there....truck you!)
17. People who attack my friends OL. (This includes trolls. If you get in the way of ANY of my friends or do anything to hurt them, harrass them or treat them like crap - rest assured that you will be in serious trouble for it - I can gurantee it).
18. People who think that "free speech" means the right to bully and insult people all they like. (I'm not entirely sure how this free speech thing works, but I don't think that it means the right to talk all kinds of bad insulting crap about people be they alive or dead.)
19. The illuminati and the assholes who believe in it. (I'm sorry but I just don't believe such an organisation exists. It confuses me. They say we're being brainwashed by them, but then they claim that we're apart of them. Are we supposed to be on their side or against them? Are they good or evil? Why am I putting logic into something this stupid? Look...whether or not this so called "organisation" really exists is up to you, if you do believe it's true and have facts or whatever to back it up....then good for you, but please stop trying to get other people to believe it.)
20. People who hate on the Werebelushi Rants segments. (Look. That Werebelushi In The Shades is a CHARACTER not a real person, so stop hating on him. He's meant to be like Linkara with a bit of the Nostalgia Critic and Ben T. Looney thrown in. He's not a real person at all. And no...we're not the same guy!)
21. Ben The Looney's Haters. (Man these guys make the entirety of a certain bad drama themed wiki look intelligent by comparison. These guys hate on Ben for the stupidest reasons. Either because they don't agree with him, or think he's some kind of pervert or "nostalgiatard". The former is because of a video he did about animated did realize that was a joke, right? Also the majority of them tend to think he's biased. Hey, he says he likes a few modern shows and cartoons - he's not all about 90's shows. I mean he mentions that he likes Tuff Puppy, Hi Hi Puffy Ami-Yumi, MLP: Friendship Is Magic, Gravity Falls and Phineas and Ferb. Oh...and lay off, enough with the dumb commentaries already.)
22. Rumors. (Especially celebrity death rumours. Just...why? If a celebrity is still alive and well - then why make up these stupid rumours in the first place? I've seen this on youtube as well. For god's sake, Jack Black is NOT dead. Rowan Atkinson isn't dead either. Neither is Jeff Goldblum. And Christopher Walken isn't dead either - but whoever the moron responsible for making that one up WILL BE though.)
23. Articles about my favorite celebrities that don't do them justice. (This goes for tabloid junkies and a certain bad drama related wiki knockoff. Whenever I want to look up a celebrity I like, I go and look at articles about them. But unfortunately not that many of them do them justice. In the case of the latter there are two articles that do of which being the article on Michael Jackson. guys do realize that Michael was NOT a pedophile, right? In fact he was innocent. The second article was on Christopher Walken. First of all...the assumption that the majority of Walken fans happen to be "Goth" or "Emo" is completely false. Walken is for everyone, no matter what race, species or orientation. Second, the "More Cowbell" meme is NOT overrused, in fact it's one of the memes I actually enjoy. can never have enough cowbell, or enough Walken for that matter. Thirdly - leave the fans of the Hessian alone, please! Also when I think "same stonefaced expression" I don't think of Walken at all - I think of Tom Hanks! I know this article is not supposed to be taken seriously, but you're lucky that Walken doesn't use a computer - because if he did, I would give him all your email addresses so that he could hunt you down and slice you apart like a Thanksgiving turkey!)
24. People who believe in the Reptilian theory. (I used to actually like David Icke until he turned into a nutjob obsessed with the so called truth. And the same goes for crappy youtube videos. They're NOT shapeshifters you imbecile, they're just blinking.)
25. The stupid End-of-the-world theory. (I know it's December right now and everything but the world is not going to's simple as that. No matter how much you try to enforce this on people, it's not going to happen.)
26. Being stereotyped. (Another stereotype that I hate is constantly being called a basement dweller, oh you know - that old stereotype of an overweight 20/30/40 something living in his/her parent's basement, doesn't bathe and all that crap? I TRUCKING HATE IT! Look...I bathe and shower regularly, my house does NOT have a basement. And I do NOT smell bad. I just have natural body odor...which is something EVERYONE has! And besides...I call bullspit on the fact that you think you can smell me online...ummm...helloooo...Smell-O-Vision is just a gimmick used for 3D movies, it doesn't exist on the internet or in real life. So stop stereotyping me like this.)
Fetishes And Other Things That Squick Me Out:
1. Diaper Fetishes. (What kind of idiot would be turned on by that kind of sick disgusting display of putridness?)
2. Bodily Function Fetishes. (Loan-Skunk not withstanding).
3. Loli. (Just why?)
4. Toddlercon. (Ugh.)
5. Food Fetishes. (Yes. This exists.)
6. Rule34. (Eeeew. Whoever came up with this concept is a sick bastard and deserves to be beaten.)
7. Shock Sites. (This applies to a certain wiki knockoff which I shall not mention. I'm serious, one page with a rather misleading title about felines leads to nothing but a grotesque display of pornographic and gorey imagery - I almost lost my lunch.)
8. Screamers. (There's this one Screamer I encountered Find The Ghost of Elvis, where you're supposed to find Elvis's ghost by listening to his voice - and when you do try and find him - this really horrifying image of a vampire/demon appears on screen.)
9. Botflies. (Reading the TVTropes article on Body Horror is never a good idea and I get extremely paranoid that these guys might be around even though I know botflies don't live in New Zealand.)
10. Russell Brand. (Ummm....I have no idea why some people seem to enjoy his comedy so much. It's not normal if you ask me. It's just plain strange. He confuses the hell out of me. He's good in some things but other times...meh, i don't know what to think.)
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