TftW: Moves like Jagger.
TftW: Moves like Jagger. 60's Mel to Mick Jagger ftm tg/possession theme. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Melanie Rae Sanders was a spellcasting monster expert who was the 1960's variant of Mel the koala-girl, one night she was watching over the city and she was sick of all the scumbags and villain types going around converting others into being their minions and she wanted them all to get killed off or get a taste of their own medicine. She had just returned from the music store where she got into a heated argument with a customer, apparently this customer thought that Green Day and Linkin Park qualified to be rock bands among others which annoyed her and so she stole that person's voice and made them unable to speak for a week. She would have given them a more severe punishment but she knew there were too foolish to probably even think about knowing better. It disgusted her to hear these type of things from people, from people who thought that all ...